Will Harris of White Oak Pastures

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Listen in as Slim and Will discuss -History of White Oak Pastures -Regenerative Agriculture then and now -Why each man does what they do -Bringing the family back to the farm -Market Access to rural America -Beef Initiative Food Intelligence Food Summit in Bluffton Georgia at WOP Sept. 16-18th -Vertical Integration back into sound food -The state of processing centers in the US and what is the bottleneck -Commodities -Food Supply Shortages Will Harris https://whiteoakpastures.com/ Twitter: @whiteoakpasture Instagram: @whiteoakpastures Food Intelligence Summit September 16-18 at White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia. Tickets at https://beefinitiative.com/ #marketaccess #beefandbitcoin #beefinitiative #bitcoin #foodinteligence #knowyourrancher Twitter: @modernTman Substack https://texasslim.substack.com/ Education, Beef Boxes, Producers, and more https://beefinitiative.com/ podcast: https://texas-slim.transistor.fm/ If you find value in what we provide, Boost a message through Fountain or Breez and we will read it on our next podcast. stream sats to the show: https://fountain.fm/texasslimsvision Texas Slim's Vision has integrated into podcasting 2.0 You can listen to us anytime on the Fountain app and earn sats while listening to the show at anytime. You'll never hear ads here, we are completely supported by the listener.
Welcome to the Beef News Podcast—Build Out Locally, Broadcast Globally— from The Beef Initiative and the I Am Texas Slim Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit.

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We re-broadcast public forums, interviews, and podcasts featuring our team— plus original episodes from the frontlines of the food sovereignty movement.

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Build Out Locally. Broadcast Globally.

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Creators and Guests

Texas Slim⚔
Texas Slim⚔
Founder of the #BeefInitiative and #FoodIntelligence • Native Texan w a Global Reach • #Bitcoin • https://t.co/x0x0MUlTU0
Mr Robot ⚡
Mr Robot ⚡
#Bitcoin Maximalist/IT nerd/Media⚡Lightning Network⚡ mrrobot@zbd.gghttps://t.co/dzyeaLjOAUhttps://t.co/UT56xerelDhttps://t.co/xXW2ckgyhs
Texas Slim's Cuts
Texas Slim's Cuts
Texas Slim's Cuts is the premiere creative agency for The Great American Rancher. Founded by @modernTman and @JuneFL Backed by @beefinitiative.
White Oak Pastures
White Oak Pastures
White Oak Pastures is a multigenerational family farm that cooperates with nature to produce artisan products that are healthy, safe, nutritious and delicious.
Will Harris of White Oak Pastures
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