Ep 22: April Roadtrip Recap (Texas to Virginia to Illinois)
Download MP3We're in a very,
very special place tonight.
We're recording it Sunday night.
We're in Illinois.
And it's been a journey
once again here.
This dude calling himself
Texas Slim has gone
all over the country again
and we can't find him.
Where's Waldo?
Where's Texas Slim?
But it's been a hell of a
Last year,
I did this journey not like this
kind of rhymes to this year.
But what I didn't do is
I didn't film it.
It was reconnaissance.
I've told a lot of people this.
Today is going to be,
I don't know,
maybe some storytelling places
where we've been,
where we are
and where we're going.
I'm getting better
at telling stories.
I was talking to June,
our wonderful
executive producer
for Texas Times Media.
He's along on this trip.
He's the one that's
got the set up.
He's basically
increasing the production
value of everything that we do
within the beef initiative
for our ranchers,
for our producers,
for our farmers, for everybody
that basically is funneling
into the beef initiative.
June is our executive producer
that is raising that bar.
So everybody applaud.
Thank you, June.
Thank you, June.
Thank you, June.
But he's along for the ride.
And so we've been
obtaining equipment
throughout the last year,
ever since one year ago,
we were in Kerrville, Texas.
Whenever I said
that we were going to have that,
we're running for conferences
in one year.
Everybody thought I was crazy
and everybody basically
tried to talk me out of it
And that's
the last thing you do with me,
is try to talk me out of it.
Whenever I was 19 years old,
I that year
that I moved to Austin,
a lot of people know that.
I've told that story many times.
I left small town Texas,
and I was looking for life.
I was full of wanderlust
and made it to Austin.
But that same 12 month period,
I headed up towards Maine
and there was a mountain up
It's called Cadillac Mountain.
Y'all look it up
Mount Desert Island.
There's a rock up there
that you can sit on top of.
And if you
if you're the first person
on that rock,
first time in the morning,
you can be the first person
that sees that sunrise
in the United States.
I think this is probably
the 11th time
I've driven
across the United States
in different various forms
and fashions interstates, back
roads, dirt roads.
It doesn't really matter.
I've done it.
I know how to navigate
across this country.
I've been doing it all my life.
I had my license
when I was 15 years old
in the dirt roads of West Texas
outside of Canyon, Texas.
I've been basically
circumventing around this globe
ever since I was in my twenties.
And so everything that I do
is based on that wanderlust.
When I started the Beef
I knew I couldn't
do it from behind
the digital screen, in which
I spent a lot of my career.
I knew that
I had to get back to the roots
in so many different ways.
One of those is driving across
this country in this year.
Last year was reconnaissance.
This year.
we're going to tell every story.
It's a fascinating story.
It's like Jack Kerouac,
cowboy style,
modern day cattle drive style.
There's a lot of new aspects
to this.
We're going to throw
in a little Baxter
Black little Johnny Cash.
So my role within the Beef
initiative is now truly is to be
the number one spokesperson
for the beef initiative.
The ranchers
producers are the ones
that are orchestrating
the beef initiative.
We meet, we talk,
we have these strategy sessions,
we learn pain points.
And I'm going to say
before we get started
on the storytelling
today of where we've been
the last couple of weeks
or last month, I guess, is
that every rancher producer
get your butt
into the beef initiative.
We're about saving
the great American rancher.
This is not about competition.
We want to hear from everyone
that is involved in agriculture,
not in any form
or fashion in the United States.
We're taking a stand.
We're not validating
the deceptions.
And we want to hear your story
because of that, because
we want to hear your story.
We don't want you to pay
for your story to be heard.
Here we are.
We're an outside of Shirley,
Is that a place
that's been here for 200 years?
It is the source of the seed of
maybe grain within livestock
where at least we came from.
We're getting closer and closer.
200 years ago,
the Funk family came here
and it's called Funk Farms
and it's a trust now
and it's outside of Shirley,
This is where we're sitting.
They are modern day
cattle people, cattle
men and cattle, women.
They're carrying to carrying
their heritage along.
They're moving forward.
And they came all the way
from Illinois, drove
all the way to Virginia,
and they don't have time
nor the money,
nor the resources
to be gone for four days
in which
they were to come to Ginger
come to the Ginger
Hill Angus Beef Initiative
Summit, which
will now be an annual summit.
But let's
start from the beginning
and then we'll end up back here.
So me and my boy went across
a couple of hemispheres
on to several continent
continents over two months.
A lot of y'all saw
that it was a rite of passage.
It's a rite of passage
for Finley, my son and myself,
a father and son,
keeping promises, getting away
from all of this pressure,
the crazy prohibition
that was
enforced on that generation,
the mindset of the generation
that had to sit at home
during COVID is criminal, that
it was created in the innocence
of our children.
And so this trip with
my son was a rite of passage
for him, saying, Hey,
you don't have to be afraid.
It's time to step up.
It's time to become a man.
And this is going to help
you give you a vision.
Your dad has a lot of whom
he's had a lot of them.
So come along.
But now we're finished
with that journey.
My son was damn tired of me.
I tell everybody that comes
into the beef initiative,
including my son.
If you all get in here,
get ready because you're going
to work your ass off.
And I mean that.
And then all you producers
and ranchers,
you're already doing that.
Well, let's work smarter,
not as hard.
And you're going to leverage
the beef initiative
and the voice that we're going
to give
the great American rancher
during these times
because it's needed and
we're at a precipice of time.
There's something
that needs to change.
This nation needs a voice.
But that voice is sometimes
from the basically the source
and how we got here,
how we got here.
It's the great
American rancher producer.
So me,
my son struck out from
West Texas, and we drove his El
Camino 1976, El Camino,
500 miles to Austin, Texas.
I dropped him off even to spend
some time with his friends.
And then I was off and
I was straight to the airport,
had to go pick up June,
and he flew in from Florida.
And then where do we have to go?
we had to go meet Justin Trammel
of Tear Balloon Panhandle meet
outside of Canyon, Texas.
Justin was the first rancher
that I shook hands with.
And what was he doing in Austin,
Well, he's been there
while I was gallivanting around
the globe.
Justin was in Austin, Texas,
working with legislation,
working with Farm and Ranch
Freedom Alliance.
He's basically
the passing of legislation
in that we have three laws
coming up in Texas.
They're market access laws.
Remember that? Market access?
I'm going to be saying that
for the next decade.
What is your market
access to clean food?
Ask yourself. Take a pause.
Ask yourself right now,
what is your market
access to clean food?
Who do you have to go through?
What hoops
do you have to go through?
What regulations are keeping
you from it?
What nefarious media
communications news programs,
Who is stopping you
from having market access to the
best nutrition on the planet?
Because that's what we produce
in the United States.
No matter what we look like
as a nation in our health,
which it has been destroyed,
it is bankrupt.
We still produce the best food
in the world.
Who does that?
The regenerative
farmer and rancher,
especially those people that
have been around for 200 years.
So Justin and Jun did a podcast,
if you haven't seen it,
it's last week right there
in front of the Capitol.
And then we went down to Luling,
Texas, spent the night
and had some barbecue
and we went out there and
we met up with hometown meat.
Of course,
June and I, we were over there
to Barresi Ranch earlier
and we met up with Jason Clyde,
another podcast.
And you guys have seen
so what we're doing,
we're making the rounds.
Folks were giving the rancher
a voice in a way that nobody's
really been able to achieve
because we we're podcasting 2.0.
We're decentralized,
decentralized communications.
So Clyde, Jason,
we met up with Ronnie.
Oh, Bush, of course,
called Bolton County cattle
Hometown means second rancher.
I shook hands with Carl Bolton.
You're going to hear a lot more
from Carl Bolton,
that's for sure,
because he's running
one of the best
processing centers
in this nation.
He's had some painful times.
But guess what?
Justin and Coleman Justin run
in a micro processing center
up in the Panhandle,
the Texas Cobalt Bolton run
in a regional processing center
down there in Luling, Texas,
right next to Gonzales County,
most populated
county of cattle per capita
in the state of Texas.
It is basically
one of the founding counties
of the state of Texas.
Look it up.
It's historical, folks.
Well, we spent that
time down there in central Texas
when we embarked on the back
roads of Texas in June, captured
monumental amounts of footage
of the backroads of Texas
and how much land is out there
that the modern day
and the cattlemen of days gone
by are using,
regenerating, growing,
using the land tools,
some of the
most beautiful country,
some of the most beautiful cows.
Highway 21 all the way up,
all the way up to East Texas.
We spent and spent
the night there in East Texas.
Can't name remember where now.
And but I know
we were pointing to Arkansas
because we were going to go
and of course,
meet up with Todd, which I met
a year ago this was now the.
How many times have I seen Todd?
One, two, three.
I think this was the fourth
And now what?
we're pointing back to Arkansas.
But first we had to go
and have dinner with Todd.
He cooked up all bull that he
had there for about seven years.
And so we had beef intelligence.
We talked about the Ozark Beef
Initiative summit
that comes up on the fifth
and 6th of May this next week.
you're probably looking at this.
Hopefully it's Wednesday.
Get your butt to Prairie
Grove, Arkansas.
where we're headed, folks.
And so John Todd, June, Ashley,
all of us,
we sat down there
and we gave grace,
we gave thanks,
and we talked about the journey
in which we came together.
All you ranchers and producers.
I didn't know Todd a year ago,
and now he's holding a summit
in his small town of Prairie
Grove, Arkansas.
There's meaning behind that.
This is not a marketing plan.
This is to help everybody regrow
their communities.
Todd's got speakers.
He's got people in his community
coming to this summit.
He organized it.
I didn't organize it.
That was last year.
The people that organize
this year
are the producers themselves,
and the beef initiative is there
to help, to instruct, to consult
and to advise and to support
and to bring a voice in a way
that has never been done off.
From Arkansas, we headed towards
Nashville, Tennessee, Tennessee,
see be finished of last year.
I met up with Rod, met up
with Josh, met up with Kim
Mills, met up with the crew,
their Bitcoin part.
I don't know how many times
I've been there,
but we've already had a summit
Last year in October
it was December.
We're going to have a one
this year in October.
Make your plans, everybody.
You're going to be in Nashville
in October.
Tennessee Beef Initiative
Summit second annual one.
So get ready.
I spent a couple of days
there, did some editing.
I started doing that
little thing.
Think we started there
in Luling, Texas.
As I am Texas,
I'm checking in with Texas.
Sam So you guys go to Twitter,
check that at Modern Teen Man.
Start following you, getting
daily updates from here on out
every morning, 7:00 Central,
you're going to get an update
no matter where we are,
how ugly it is, how beautiful
it is,
how tired I am, whatever it is.
You guys are getting updates
from here on out
seven days
a week, Manatee, man on Twitter.
It's going to talk about where
we've been, where we are
and where we're going.
exactly the story of my life.
And then it's making it
a story of your life.
And so from Nashville,
we headed out towards Virginia,
and basically
we spent the night,
I don't know, right
on the border of Tennessee.
And Carolina, I believe, wasn't
the same path I took last year
because we were just wanting
to get to Ginger Hill,
Ginger Hill, Angus, Doctor
Brooke Miller.
And and and what we did is
we were anticipating.
Have you all ever seen Virginia?
Have you ever seen
that part of Virginia?
It's not in the Shenandoah
It's a little bit removed,
about 70 miles.
Some of the oldest parts of this
country, Washington, Virginia.
I said it before and I misspoke.
It's the first township
that ever called itself
Washington in the United States.
I think
you've seen some footage.
You're going to see some footage
as you're watching this podcast
of everything that transpired.
We've got so many hours
of footage and one person
that really stepped up
was Bitcoin shooter.
Michael showed up,
flew all the way from L.A.,
didn't get paid a dime
because the beef initiative
is about volunteers
that are getting value
for value exchange.
He showed up at Ginger
Hill Angus,
and he filmed the whole thing.
We've got the interviews
with Dr.
Robert Malone and Dr.
Sabine Hazen.
We have, of course,
brought Brooke Miller, everybody
that was involved
with the Beef Initiative
Summit at Ginger Hill.
We have it on video
and we're going to be releasing
it's going to be part
of a documentary, maybe a movie.
I don't know.
We got some people
starting to pay attention to us.
Finally, one person there was
John John of Epoch Times.
He came a day
basically the morning of
and he spent time with me
and he talked
and then he invited me to do
American thought leaders in D.C.
that following Monday.
So we had a lot of people there.
We had a lot
of great discussions.
We had a nation coming together
right there at Ginger
Hill, Angus US Cattlemen's
Association, in which Brooke
just now finished his tenure
as president, we had Leah.
She's basically asking
and we're in negotiations
for the Beef Initiative
and the US Cattlemen's
Association to partner up now,
we had people coming from
better Fed feeds.
We had the funk fam, we had
Brian and Carrie come from
As I told you, they drove
all the way out there, sat
right there in the front
and listened to everyone speak.
We had a cattlemen's feast
that we're putting on
and holding across this nation.
If you guys want a cattlemen's
go to definition the dot com.
Contact us.
Let us know we're bringing it.
We're going to bring it across
this nation.
It's a workshop.
We cut up a cow.
You learn cuts of the cow, Texas
limbs, cuts.
It's come in strong working on
product design with cobalt.
And right now in there
and just some surprises
coming down that cattle
drive path.
So Ginger Hill, the workshop,
the Cattlemen's
everybody absolutely loved it.
Buckshot was his name
and I appreciate him.
And we honored him.
Some of the best beef folks,
the best beef in the world
comes through the gates
of the beef initiative.
Brooke Miller, his ranch,
generational generations
and generations of people
that have stewarded beef
intelligence in this nation.
It's what you are yearning for.
Folks quit trying so hard
not to pay attention.
Quit trying so hard
not to basically share
this podcast 100 times.
I dare you, because
this is about intentionality
you living right now.
This is a bigger cause
than any of us
basically hearing this voice, me
Anybody that you share this
with, this is a movement.
This is not a marketing plan.
This is not a 12 second
Tik Tok video.
This is not an Instagram short.
What some LARPing
influencer talking
about how he's a carnivore.
This is about saving
children's lives.
This is a health initiative
that is being led
by the great American rancher.
This is a health initiative
that is being led
by the great American rancher.
Make no bones about it.
This is serious business.
But you know what?
We're going to make it love,
caring, authentic,
full of integrity, transparency,
that everybody's yearning for,
they just don't know it.
We're bringing health back
to this nation.
And the great American rancher
is going to be the first one
that starts
saving children's lives.
We had all kinds of great
talks at the summit,
and then on Sunday,
we even battled a rainstorm
came through there.
Everybody, not a soul left.
We finished off the night
with a lot of grace,
a lot of gratitude,
a wonderful cattlemen's feast.
And on Sunday, we did rest.
We rested as a family.
Brooke and Amanda, Matt
everybody that we met there.
I'm sorry if I'm leaving.
there's a lot of big names,
but your family now,
the part of the beef initiative,
and they're going to be
a strong voice
for the great American rancher
Brooke Miller has been yelling
from the freaking mountaintop
for ten years.
Everybody share this podcast.
Get it out there.
This is a call to action.
And that's what I said
during the speech.
And you're going to be able
to see that
if you go to the Substack Texas
one dot substack dot com,
you'll be able to see a 12
minute basically video clip,
but you're
going to be able to see more.
After we rested.
We were off to DC Monday
morning at 6:00 and who
practice travel pack
well and did
she took us in she sent us off
and she said hit the road,
be safe
and let's get going boys.
And that's what we did.
John was waiting for us
in DC at one
on one Constitution Avenue.
We did a little Hi,
I'm checking in with Texans,
so I'm right there in
front of the nation's capital.
And then we went up and John
basically was a wonderful host.
We had about two
and a half hours
we spent with him
about an hour and a half.
I believe that our article that
interview will be coming out.
American thought leaders,
they've had Dr.
Sabina Hasan on it.
They've had Robert Kennedy
Jr just finished.
If you all heart
paying attention
that part times in American
thought leaders with you on
you need to get there right now
go subscribe pay attention
there are clean news
they're grassroots just like the
US Cattlemen's Association,
just like the beef initiative.
We're all grassroots here
and we're working and we're
collaborating together.
Thank you. John Epoch Times.
American Thought Leaders Can't
Wait to see the Interview.
Hopefully I did.
Did it justice
for basically the beef
initiative and all the ranchers
that we're producing.
After DC,
we went off to West Virginia
and I'm going to name off
some names here.
We have not been without beef,
regenerative beef, the best
beef in the world
since we left West Texas,
traveling in a pickup truck.
I don't know how many steaks
that I've cooked on the tailgate
with my propane burger.
Me and June sitting out there
at the pocket night
cutting board that actually Todd
and Todd made for me
from Wood of his ranch
and actually a lot of water
out of his home
in which he grew with.
It's been there for a long dang
I'm not going to
say any dates,
but it's I'd say over 100 years,
just like everything out there,
Ginger Hill,
just like Funk Farms, 200 years.
But anyways, we've got into West
Virginia, which we stepped on
over the border of into Maryland
and we found some beef at.
Let me look here it is
to see there's so much beef that
I can't remember all the names
and I'm
always calling people out.
If you're going to show people
beef online,
you better talk about it.
So anyways, we went off
and we found Needwood Farms
and right out there in Maryland,
Needwood Farms,
fantastic beef.
They were suspect of old Texas
They didn't know what to
think of me. But you know what?
We got some beef.
They fed us.
We had a good story.
They even have
a small processing
plant out there called Wagner.
So see, folks,
there's people
there's communities
that have been doing this
for a long time.
You need to create your market
You need
to turn off the Netflix,
turn off the TV where you stand.
You start
doing your own reconnaissance,
you get out there,
you find out where
those processing centers are.
You find out
if they have processing centers.
You find out who those ranchers
and producers are,
and you go shake their hands
and you say, Will you educate me
what is going on here?
What do you need from me?
What do you need
from your community?
Let's do this together.
This is a collaboration.
Have you heard of the beef
Let's get your butt in there.
We've only had three ranchers
that I asked to be
in the beef initiative.
Everybody else has put
themselves in there voluntarily
because they heard it.
Because they heard grass roots,
grass fed,
and they heard word of mouth.
They had some handshakes
that it went on.
So you folks do
the same. It's a call to action.
You are now the marketing arm
of the great American rancher,
just like Needwood Farms there
in Maryland using Wagner
Processing Center.
So we've been eating well
and we kind of hung
out in the sticks
there in West Virginia.
Mountain Mama had a
really good, nice day there,
wonderful little
place called the train Station,
and it was out of cash.
What is that place?
You know, that real famous place
in West Virginia
that everybody loves is Harpers
Ferry, of course.
So it's close to Harpers Ferry,
very beautiful
part of the country.
You guys ever been in West
You need to get there.
They got some good beef.
we kind of got rested up there
in West Virginia,
and then we headed off to Ohio.
Don't even know where we stayed
in Ohio,
but we were outside of Columbus.
It was more of a working
overnight stay.
We're very busy.
Lots of phone calls.
Didn't have much time
to even get the camera out.
But we did do a checking
and checking in with Texas.
get on Twitter daily, check ins,
share it, share
those with everybody.
Let's get going.
Let's make this basically
a live stream
the rest of the year,
because this is this is the year
the great American
rancher has a voice from Ohio.
We went to Indiana.
I ended up on a county square
just by chance, and
it was called Nobles in place,
Covington, Covington, Indiana.
Wonderful little Airbnb there.
Stayed the night, did
another check in County Square.
Looks a lot like canyon, Texas.
Guess what?
We had some more beef.
Had it on the tailgate,
had it in
the kitchen,
had it for breakfast.
We haven't done without.
And I'm traveling on the road
and everybody asked me,
How do you do this, Slim?
How do you travel on the road?
Well, it's not that hard.
Whenever you go out and shake
ranchers hands,
everybody always say, well,
I can't find a rancher.
Well, I found I don't know
how many on this trip,
how long we got just in travel.
We got coal bolts
and we got Jason, We got Clyde.
Who else do we have?
We've got him.
And it's unlimited, folks.
No more excuses.
No more rationalization.
No more justification.
Get this party started.
It's a modern day
cattle drive from Indiana.
We ended up gas where Park
Farms 1824.
Brian and Carrie came to Ginger
Fascinating story.
Look it up. Go to their website.
I'm going to do a challenge here
and I you you call farms
and you ask them say,
hey, I can't be there in person.
And if you can come in person,
come in person,
because it's a beautiful place.
As you can see,
this is just a small part of it.
They've got history
on the walls.
They got history in the soil.
They got a history in the beef,
got a retail front,
they got milk,
they got beef bacon,
they got honey,
they got maple sirup.
They've got
I think it's called a food shed,
food locker,
whatever it is, It's a community
that's being supported
by their local rancher, producer
that's been here for 200 years.
It's called Heritage
folks. It's called culture.
It's called legacy.
It's called market access
that you can create for yourself
and for your children.
Quit allowing your children
to eat the deceptions,
Quit validating the deceptions.
This place has proof for work
200 years
that they are survived
the manipulation of the seed,
the genetically modified,
the bioengineered,
the chemical, multinational,
chemical and grain companies.
Guess what?
They're still here.
They're still feeding.
They're still
feeding from the soil
in which where they came from.
You should see the soil here.
It's absolutely gorgeous.
It has a density,
dark color to it.
I wish West Texas
looked like that,
but it doesn't anymore.
But it does right here,
because I've been doing
something right for 200 years.
You guys want to know
how to do it?
You guys regenerative
that clean food, clean living,
clean farming, ranching.
You want to know about it?
Give them the call.
Call up foreign farms.
Ask them.
They got a museum here, too.
Actually, there's a museum here.
So you know what?
You can spend the weekend here.
They got lodging.
That's what we're doing.
They don't have lodging
on the farm.
Maybe we can make that happen
one of these days.
But what are we going, folks?
Are we going to do it together?
We did an
interview with Brian yesterday.
We had dinner, we broke bread.
We didn't have any bread.
We had a tenderloin and a big,
big pecan yet.
Do y'all know
what a bacon you cut is on?
Let me tell you a story. Bacon.
You cut supporters
of the back in there.
Okay. But you know what?
The butcher is usually do?
They usually don't sell
the bacon.
You cut back in the day.
They kept it for themselves.
Some of the best beef
you're going to have,
you know,
you're how you're going
to find that through Texas Slims
We're going to reeducate
of what you've been missing
all this years.
And I'm going to start
saying something.
Will you reason you don't know
that corn.
You've only bought your beef
from the supermarket
now, haven't you?
Once you
ask the right questions,
you don't
have to ask the right questions.
You already know because you're
in the beef finished.
And you you're actually being
educated by Texas Slims cuts,
maybe old butch,
maybe old farms,
maybe the 160 true producers
and ranchers that are soon to be
I don't know.
We're going to open up
10,000 gates across this country
so we can what
so we could what?
So we can feed a million
children in this nation.
That's the call to action.
It's always been that way.
We're going to consult,
we're going to educate.
We're going to check
each other's hands.
We're going to have dinner
with each other.
We're going to have
We're going to say
no to the Division
of Interpersonal communication.
We're going to speak louder.
We're going to speak
with confidence.
We're not going to be guests
working around beef
because the best beef
intelligence is coming
right straight
through the beef initiative,
because what are we doing
sitting right here?
We're giving media kits
to ever rancher producer
that opens up their gate
across the United States.
It's a challenge.
I've been
doing this my whole life.
If you've got
something that you want to say,
if you've got something special,
if you've got history
that's been here for hundreds
of centuries
of education
that lies within these walls,
you ranchers and producers,
if you're doing something
that is truth in food,
authentic, is based
in integrity, transparency,
and you want people
to know who you are,
you want to have
that digital voice
that they have made sure
that you have never had
to be finished.
It's Texas Slims Media.
It's people like June
executive producer.
One year ago,
one year ago,
he was in Philadelphia.
Now he lives in Florida.
And guess what?
There's a Florida
beef initiative now.
And ranchers, Leonard,
you can about to hear
a lot more about Florida.
They're selling beef.
building their community.
Ron and Kerry here.
going to have a summit here.
Don't know when, but it's locked
in and it's got an airport.
It's got an interstate,
it's got lodging,
and it's going to be loaded
with all kinds of beef
We're cooking on the tailgate.
We're driving.
Now, where are we pointing
or pointing?
Back to Arkansas.
All right.
Ozark Beef Initiative, Summit
15 six, Prairie Grove, Arkansas.
Todd, Todd.
Wow, what a beautiful,
beautiful human being.
And I'm a much better person
for getting to meet him.
And I owe him.
I owe him.
I'm forever indebted.
I have an obligation to be
his voice, because guess what?
Our producers
and ranchers don't have a voice
because you don't know.
But now
they're going to know you
and you are going to know them
because you are
now their marketing arm.
Every time
you have a conversation
about food,
you're going to bring up
your American rancher producer.
Every time you talk
about beef online
and on the Internet,
on social media,
you're going to bring up your
great American rancher, producer
and if you don't have one,
you're going to be bringing up
the beef initiative.
You're going to go find one.
This is about
saving children's lives
across this nation, folks.
And I'm going to get very loud
and very stern.
I'm going to get a little cowboy
on you from West Texas.
A little history about me.
Never had any money.
All I had was a wealth
of knowledge
when it came to basically
Look at a man
or woman in the eye
and being full of integrity
because of my grandpa. So
this is what this place is.
This is what this nation wants.
This is what this nation is is
inviting you to participate in.
You don't have to ask
for permission.
You can lead forward
with integrity
in what you're going to do
is you're going to follow this.
It's the modern day cattlemen,
and each one of us is learning
how to be the modern day
cattlemen and cattle.
It's the type of beef
It's the type of health intelligence that our kids deserve.
Turn off the TV,
Get busy.
I dare you to share this
a hundred times, everyone.
If we get 10,000 ranchers
to open up the gates
of the United States of America,
we will basically change history
within the beef industry.
It's word of mouth.
It's based on integrity,
honesty, transparency.
It's not judgment.
This is not competition.
Ranchers and producers,
that's basically
what they started in 1971.
We're not going to play that
This is a collaboration.
We're all one big family.
We're going to act like it.
What we're going to do
is we're going to join forces
at the dinner tables
within our counties,
within our regions,
within our state
and across this nation.
Once we do that
will basically shift this global
industrial food shift
that is unfolding in front of us
and will stop it in its tracks.
Your consumer demand
is the reason they are able to
basically facilitate the changes
within our food industry.
Take ownership of that.
It's a slow step
into changing your behavior
when it comes
to your consumption
model of your audio
and your video and your food.
It's okay. Slow step into it.
Start with your rancher.
Start with that handshake.
Once we leave Arkansas, we're
going to go back to West Texas.
We're going to be filming almost
a mini documentary back there.
Y'all want to come to West Texas
you're going to be coming there
because we're going to establish
something there
right outside of Panhandle meat.
We've got our first client
within the Beef
Initiative Association Council.
We're starting to build
processing centers across Texas.
going to come along for a ride.
You will learn how to do it.
Go to TBI,
Acey dawg, figure it out.
We're here.
We're going to be consulting,
we're going to be
bringing truth and food back.
And then after that,
we're going to go to Colorado
and see Jason
and Rick of Rick Ranches.
Do you know, he's
a first generational educator.
He's one of the best educators
in regenerative
farming and ranching
that I know.
Guess what?
He gets a grant this year.
It's a $10,000 grant
to stop everything right now.
Everything go to be finished,
dot com forward slash donation.
Get in there and see what
that is.
It's a basically a grant program
that is a nonprofit.
It's a nonprofit money.
Guess what I believe Brooke
Miller and Miller, everybody,
they're going to donate to it.
Why do you think they had their
summit there in Ginger Hill
so they could give to
all of the nonprofits?
They they feel they didn't
make any money off of that.
They opened up their gates.
They met new people.
They got some new beef
They spread beef intelligence
and wider across this nation.
The only thing they gained
was basically
they didn't gain
any monetary value.
Yet what they did is they sold
a little bit of their legacy.
Jason Rick.
Well, he wants to do the same
first generational kiss, $10,000
grant this year.
Let's get it funded folks
Beef initiative dot
com for slash donation.
We're going
to go out to Colorado
I believe my good friend Bubba,
which is the first person
to ever share
the harvest of deception.
Have y'all read
The Harvest of Deception?
Well, you need to get there
and read it.
But he basically spread it out
and he got me
on my first podcast ever.
Well, he's going to come
to Colorado with this.
It's going to be one big party.
We're going to have Bubba,
his lovely wife.
We're going to have June. Me.
Jason's going to be there.
Jason's Family is going to be
We're going to have drone
footage coverage.
Y'all ever know what needle rock
is? Look it up.
It's right
there in the North Fork Valley
outside of Crawford, Colorado.
We're heading there next, I
guess, where this
party ends on this leg of this
tour of this journey.
Well, we're
heading back to Austin, Texas,
and we're going to go
wrap it up full circle
there, hometown mates.
And we'll start back off
from panhandle
and charge up with old Justin.
We might even take Justin back
with this.
legislation will be back in.
But anyways, Panhandle Meats
hometown meat
processing center is the center
of the universe, folks.
That's where all our beef comes
through. The beef initiative.
You know what our goal is
this year?
I'll be straight up honest
and transparent with you.
We're going
to sell the most beef
that we can through the beef
Texas Slims
cuts, K and C, cattle.
Holy cow.
Jason. Rick of Rick Ranches.
Justin Trammell, Panhandle
Made's Tare bloom handle.
Guess what? Frank Farms trusts.
Everybody is in the beef
We're going to gather around
and we're going to sell more
beef than the multinationals
and what they're going
to start paying attention
because they're going
to start learning from us.
This is how you feed
your community.
So say now quit
validating the deceptions,
get into the beef initiative,
and I'm going to get very loud
because I'm Texas.
Slim. Are you?
Hey, guys.
June B here,
Co-Founder, executive
producer, Texas Slim’s Media.
And if you're tuning
in on YouTube, look,
you're going to see I'm
standing here.
We're happy, happy,
happy as a sweet horse.
A very sweet horse.
And we are in Farmington,
I think that's how I say it.
And boy,
I can't believe I'm traveling
around this whole great country.
I'm from Philly.
Shout out to the 215.
A long way from home.
It feels amazing.
So if you're tuning in on
YouTube, you'll get to see
a lot of our travels.
Now the show is
completely changed.
I'm not sure who
this young buck is,
but they're very sweet to.
You'll see that I am on
Bitcoin Ranch, like I said,
in Farmington, Missouri,
and I'm
a long from home and boy,
it feels good.
I get to travel
around the country
visiting the most
beautiful ranches
in America,
mostly traveling on back roads,
and it snakes off
girl, girl to go
off to cast iron pan.
These guys want to want to
come and shop.
But really, I'm just here
to read some Bruce messages and,
you know, show you,
show you the horses here.
Shout out to our amazing host,
Ryan here on Bitcoin Ranch.
This is a
an air gapped facility
aside from Texas Slims media.
So this is some pretty exclusive
We're going to have a way for
you guys to boost stats
and give us messages
here on the YouTube channel.
We'll figure that out
and then next coming weeks.
But in the
meantime, for everybody, tune
in on podcasting 2.0
found on that breeze
and wherever else you enjoy
the podcasting 2.0 revolution.
Want to give a big shout out
to you guys and thank you
for tuning in and streaming
and boosting every single week.
First up, we got 1000
shots from Nomad Joe.
He says Eat more Florida beef.
5000 sets from smart growth
LA Well, try
my damnedest to get the wife off
to a vacation
before she blows up our ranch.
A thousand shots from bicycle
boost the signal to noise
and hopefully the signals
coming in clear.
It's a little windy out here
today in Missouri.
We got 1111 Sandstrom.
Joel W
apparently needs
a satchel of Richards
that we
all know what that means.
1500 shots from Bruce.
Our line keep on preaching
fix the food.
Thank you for bringing us Dr.
Miller Absolutely.
That was an excellent episode.
1776 is a freedom
boost from Joe Biden.
folks better get right with God.
Learn a skill stack
some sets and eat more beef.
Thanks, Joe.
30,000 shots
from our main man, Bubba.
That's my rancher right there.
Good work, boys.
The wildfires catch a wind.
So thanks to everybody
who listened last week
and who's tuning in to YouTube
and found and brings
for the ranching
2.0 Podcasting 2.0.
That's all I got for today.
What can I say?
I'm happy over here real quick.
I'm sure they want to say
How you doing?
I'm happy.
Happy is a very sweet horse.
And I'm happy to be here with.
All right. I'll take care.
Creators and Guests



