Ep 23: Reflections on a Journey to Promote the Great American Rancher
Download MP300;00;06;21 - 00;00;07;06
Texas Slim
00;00;30;15 - 00;00;57;15Texas Slim
Texas Slim
Hey, guys. Texas Slim. Here I am, Texas Slim podcast. I am sitting in the middle of Amarillo, Texas, in West Texas, in the Texas Panhandle, the staccato, the Caprock, the desert high plains. Feel a little punchy tonight. I'm a little road tired. Just did 5000 miles left a month ago. Of course with pen And we drove his El Camino.
00;00;57;15 - 00;01;22;01
Texas Slim
And I drove this old pickup truck down to Austin, and we went to Luling. Finley stayed in Austin. But it's been over a month. I think today's date is the 7th of May. I mean, we like it's been 30 something days and 5000 miles. I'm going to do a really quick, quick recap and then go exactly where we left off last week whenever we're at funk Farms.
00;01;22;26 - 00;01;58;19
Texas Slim
What you guys need to remember, we're going to start showing things on the map on the beef initiative. Y'all remember that? Okay, go to the map. We're going to start doing geography. All geography, all. That's funny. Geographic mapping on the beef initiative platform. So that'll be cool. But anyways, we went from Amarillo, Texas, ten in Texas, all the way down to Austin, Texas, to Luling, Texas, to Gonzales, Texas, all the way up through East Texas, all the way over to basically Prairie Grove, Arkansas.
00;01;58;19 - 00;02;20;17
Texas Slim
Prairie Grove, Arkansas. We went to Nashville, Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee, up on the Tennessee, North Carolina border. I do not remember where that was. It was a quick stay off. From there. We went to Virginia, Virginia's Washington, Virginia, Ginger Hills Summit, Ginger Hill, Angus Summit. From there, we went to West Virginia. West Virginia, We went to Ohio. Or how We went to Indiana.
00;02;20;17 - 00;03;00;21
Texas Slim
Indiana, We went to Illinois, Illinois. We went to Missouri, Missouri. We went to Arkansas, Arkansas. We're back here in West Texas. We left Funk Farms sometime last week. We had a fantastic gift given to us in Ginger Hill. Whenever we met with Brian and Carrie up on farms. 200 years in business, folks, they are getting close to being the source of the seed in which you guys probably you need to understand when it comes to grains in the United States and their farm, their holistic farm, their natural farm, whatever you want to call it, they're doing things right there and they are a protocol to know and they're going to be people that you do
00;03;00;21 - 00;03;21;22
Texas Slim
meet. We left from farms and we were in Illinois. Well, what do you know? It started smelling and looking like we were in West Texas. We were driving. I was doing business on the phone. June was doing editing content, and he was filming here and there. But what did we come across? We came across basically a big ol black cloud.
00;03;22;03 - 00;03;47;11
Texas Slim
And what was it? It felt like a dust storm. And that dust storm is exactly where I come from. My grandfather survived the dust storm Lightning, Texas, less than 100 miles away from the epicenter of the Dust Bowl. Dust storm. Dust Bowl and watch things blackout. We were on a highway. It actually was a big car pileup. I think there was at least, I don't know, 50 to 60.
00;03;47;12 - 00;04;10;16
Texas Slim
You can do a search and car pile up. Dust Bowl, Dust Cloud, Illinois, the first week of May killed at least six people that I know. But we went through it and I navigated through it. And you can see it probably on the video that Junior's showing you now because he's filmed it. But that just goes to show you a lot of people don't know why that happens.
00;04;10;16 - 00;04;32;07
Texas Slim
It happens because soil becomes trapped up in the atmosphere. Why does that happen? Well, there's pressure, there's droughts, there's things that happen. They get that soil topsoil up into the atmosphere. That's not a good thing. When that is happening, that means the soil is not healthy. I don't care who you are out there. This is what happened in the Dust Bowl.
00;04;32;19 - 00;04;55;27
Texas Slim
We looked at agriculture in a different way. After that, United States government got involved with soil conservation. Who knows where that has gone? But in my lifetime, I've seen dust bowls, I've seen dust clouds. And they're getting worse here in west Texas and in Texas, we're in a major drought. So we were able to drive through that wall cloud of dust.
00;04;55;27 - 00;05;19;02
Texas Slim
And it really made me think about granddad, grandma, aunts and uncles, everybody that lived the dirt during those times. And, you know, to get to the similarities and all the differences in which we're facing and if you know history, if you understand the elders doctrine, you can tell that our agriculture in America is not what it once was.
00;05;19;02 - 00;05;42;16
Texas Slim
And there's a lot of different ways to look at it. And if you look at it from what it was in the beginning here in West Texas, we were hundreds and hundreds and thousands and thousands of acres just as far as I could see. And we had some of the best soil on the planet. Bison roamed all across west Texas for thousands of years.
00;05;42;16 - 00;06;05;18
Texas Slim
Million ends upon millions. We have 92 million cattle in the United States, and they say we have too many. We had hundreds of millions of bison that around and then they created this soil in which now I stand on which I don't. I'm right here in a parking lot with asphalt. But this where I am right here. This used to be some of the prettiest grasslands in the world.
00;06;06;12 - 00;06;27;07
Texas Slim
And so we have treated soil in a way that it isn't what it once was. And so if you really want to understand soil wars, take it back to the beginning. That's what regenerative agriculture was about. And that's what we're fighting, is we don't want to see these wall clouds anymore. We don't have to. A lot of reasons.
00;06;27;07 - 00;07;04;24
Texas Slim
It's complicated why we're here, but it doesn't mean that we have to accept it. It's not calling anybody out. It's not accusing anybody of anything. We are where we are at with agriculture. We need to look at it and see what's smart. This is not a competition, and that's what a lot of people have been doing for the last 50 years during my lifetime is a lot of producers and ranchers in the United States have been against each other, not maliciously or anything like that, but they have differences when it comes to intelligence of the soil, intelligence of the of grain, how to raise them, how to basically steward land steward animals.
00;07;04;24 - 00;07;28;28
Texas Slim
All of the above. Beef initiative is not about that. We're not going to play that game. It's over with. Finito. It's not allowed in to be finished. And I guarantee you, people are going to start funneling in because we're getting everybody from every side of our agricultural coming into the beef initiative that while out cloud is a is very symbolic, it is a telltale sign and it is something to pay attention to.
00;07;29;02 - 00;07;55;20
Texas Slim
I'll be speaking more about the weather of the thirties during my grandma grandfather's times and stuff like that. Well, I am back in West Texas, a different place from what we saw. It's harsh. It's the desert high plains, and so there's a lot of water conservation that needs to be looked at. Here we sit on top of the biggest aquifer in the United States of America, and it's called the Oval la la la.
00;07;55;21 - 00;08;19;28
Texas Slim
And there's a lot of work that's being done to look at that oval. The aquifer and its use. We've pumped it dry, simple as that. And people argue about, you know, the water levels. It should not be as low as it is. And there's a lot of water talk here in the panhandle of Texas. So that's going to be something that we're going to talk about in the beef initiative moving forward is water conservation.
00;08;20;23 - 00;08;41;25
Texas Slim
Conservation. After we left Pond farms, we went through that wall. We stopped off there in Farmington, Missouri. St Francis County is what it is. There's a Saint Francis County beach in there. That said, I took last year in June. Guess what went by and saw Ryan and his family in the community and spoke with a couple of people there.
00;08;42;09 - 00;09;07;24
Texas Slim
They are moving forward. They have a co-op, they're delivering milk, they're delivering everything into their community. They have over ten producers that are producing. And this food shared the food co-op type of apparatus that they're building out in their local community. They have actually Amish in their community. They're building an outreach space. They're having a Bitcoin breakfast once a week every month.
00;09;08;00 - 00;09;30;21
Texas Slim
There's something that's going on in that community. It's fascinating. It's beautiful. Farmington, Missouri, Ryan and family and community, thank you. We're going to be discussing more because you have a hell of a place there. Grass farm that raises these beautiful animals, these horses. And they're the workhorses. Not exactly the type of force, the dam issues, but pretty close to it.
00;09;30;21 - 00;10;01;13
Texas Slim
But anyways, look up Saint Francis County beef initiative on look it up, Do a search search for things that actually matter So everybody Missouri look up Saint Francis Beef Initiative, Farmington County. It's a great place. It's beautiful. We'll be back. Thank you, Ryan. Thank you family. Then it was off to, of course, back to Prairie Grove, Arkansas. TODD while his beautiful bride, Ashley, they we met them a year ago.
00;10;01;26 - 00;10;37;11
Texas Slim
What we do well, we formed a relationship. It was started with the handshakes. And if you read this last week, Substack, I talk about it, you need to go in there and read it and you need to listen to my message. You need to share it. People need to hear what's going on because it's very positive. It's what people are looking at and they're looking for beef, intelligence, food, intelligence, community intelligence, relationship, intelligence, communications, decentralized word of mouth, basically looking each others in the eye and saying, hey, this is how we're going to move forward here.
00;10;37;11 - 00;10;55;11
Texas Slim
I didn't know we could do this. You have this type of co-op here. Let's build this distribution route. Let's do this. This is amazing. We're all failures feeding our families. And it all starts with the handshake with the rancher. That is the core that is the source of the seed of how all this starts. This is that's a good old thing.
00;10;55;11 - 00;11;25;18
Texas Slim
So this is how it all starts, folks. So the Ozark Beef Initiative microcosm and some people got a farm tour, not too many, but we have some great footage of that. You're going to see that. We had an interview with Todd. We had Speaker. We had a rancher himself. Ron, there will be stuff you can see as far as everybody that spoke, we had Tony with West and then Price, we had Mary Jo from farming without a bank.
00;11;26;03 - 00;11;47;27
Texas Slim
There's a lot of people that are coming into this space. We had Denny, a local functional medicine doctor, chiropractor, all that kind of good stuff. A lot of people are talking to each other because you know what? The big initiative is a great American health initiative always has been. Starts with the shaking the ranchers hand, the great American ranchers hands, people say, But what should I do?
00;11;47;27 - 00;12;10;24
Texas Slim
So so go shake a ranchers hand. Hey. Yeah. But I was thinking, is there something else? No. I'll tell you. What you can do is go shake a rancher's hand. You see, you need to become the marketing arm of the great American rancher producer farmer right now. Or does that start? Starts with the handshake. I was thinking on the drive back to West Texas and June's never been to this part of the country.
00;12;10;24 - 00;12;30;20
Texas Slim
Most people have it. It's fascinating country. This is Comanche country. They defended it. They loved it. Do you know where the Comanche came from? They were driven out of the mountains, and whenever they came down to the desert high plains, they looked at this land and they said, Hey, we can navigate through this. We can actually see anybody coming.
00;12;30;20 - 00;12;50;26
Texas Slim
We're going to love this land, we're going to respect this land, We're going to protect this land. The Comanches were very tough. It was a hell of a war. It was the longest standing war in the United States history. And so if you look at this land, it's fascinating. West Texas cattle country always has been Charles Goodnight movies.
00;12;51;08 - 00;13;20;21
Texas Slim
So what we're going to be doing in West Texas, I'm going to tell a little story because I'm this little hippie punk cowboy from West Texas Canyon. I'm a little punchy, as you can tell. That's on purpose. That's how I was raised. We're going to talk culture, heritage, legacy. I'm won't even start talking funny talk like I used to talk before I started being articulate, being a podcaster, not much of a podcaster, but I love to tell a story and we're going to be telling a lot of stories.
00;13;20;22 - 00;13;48;11
Texas Slim
That's what this nation wants it deserves. It's called the Elders Doctrine. I studied it a lot whenever I was in Thailand. It means a lot to our society. It means a lot to our culture. You got to share this podcast. It really is that important. People need to. This is a collaboration, folks. Whenever I was in Arkansas, me and June and he was filming everything, doing the interviews, getting everybody that spoke, everybody feels the spirit.
00;13;48;17 - 00;14;15;01
Texas Slim
Whenever you become part of the peace initiative, there's something there that people are yearning for. I do a lot of meditation. I do a lot of deep breathing, I do a lot of things. That's what I started doing after I got well, I have that internal injury that damn near killed me. And then food intelligence happened. So did mind intelligence, so did relationship building intelligence, intentional behavior, articulation integrity.
00;14;15;21 - 00;14;40;02
Texas Slim
How about proof of work, folks? How about actually giving credit to those who do the proof of work? Who is that? That's a great American rancher producer. Are you starting to see a pattern here? It's fun to be in marketing an arm for people that you love. It's fun to talk about people, the people that you love. You don't have to participate in all that hatred and all that fear porn out there, folks.
00;14;40;11 - 00;14;58;17
Texas Slim
It's fun to be the marketing arm of the great American rancher and producer. It's a way of life. It's a lifestyle. You eat well, you learn new recipes. You learn how to cook beef in certain ways. You learn how to get raw milk. You learn how to get eggs. You learn how to get stuff where you say, Hey, man, this is kind of fun.
00;14;58;17 - 00;15;19;06
Texas Slim
Not going out to damn restaurants anymore because I don't know where that beef comes from are some steakhouses that'll tell you. And that's fantastic, because I was in Charleston, South Carolina. I went to a steak house there. Jan, thank you. It's been so long since I've seen your talk to you. She took to the steakhouse, and I can't remember the name, but you'll get it, my man.
00;15;19;06 - 00;15;44;14
Texas Slim
They exurb beef like. I don't know. It was over 200 days in lard. It was amazing. Anyways, it was a breed of cattle. That was one of the first breeds of in the United States. That's a lifestyle man. Finding out. I have so much beef intelligence in my head right now. It spread throughout the damn world from Asia to Australia all the way everywhere I've been across the United States, and we're going to keep on going across the globe, folks.
00;15;45;06 - 00;16;09;04
Texas Slim
We have to beef initiative in Bitcoin, all that kind of good stuff. People are starting to say, Oh, I see what you were talking about all those years ago because it's happening, folks. We're going to bring education. We're going to start creating some partnerships within the beef initiative, beef intelligence between space, and it's going to be on both sides of the Bitcoin and the beef coin.
00;16;09;14 - 00;16;30;08
Texas Slim
And no, we're not doing that. We're not doing the shit coin. Got to be flying. No, it's about Bitcoin and beef, folks. Beef intelligence and money. Intelligence, sound money, sound food. That's how this works. And this is how the world goes around. There are no borders, so I'll be once again trying to get across the globe. We went on over to Nigeria.
00;16;30;18 - 00;16;52;21
Texas Slim
We had 500 orphans in Nigeria. Who's doing that? How did we do that? Well, we sent Bitcoin. Everybody rallied to mom. Think about that. Folks took a split second to send that money. So those orphans could have half a cow for cattle. Two cows? I don't know. I think it was two, three, four cows. We did it, though.
00;16;52;21 - 00;17;16;07
Texas Slim
500 orphans were fed. Think about how many people across this planet that are unbanked, that have no access to the money that you have access to. Think about whenever the beef initiative joined up and started learning and educating and stewarding and pioneering and leading in Bitcoin, we've had 500 orphans. They're going to get fat again, folks. We have a donation page.
00;17;16;07 - 00;17;35;09
Texas Slim
We do things like that. We're doing the grant for the great American rancher producers, a $10,000 grant. We're putting that together. We're in talks with several people. We got to look at all legalities. There's a lot of things that we have to look at so we can do it right and that the ranchers don't have to worry about anything, but they get a new pillar of strength.
00;17;35;09 - 00;17;55;19
Texas Slim
And that's what they need is a new pillar of revenue. But their first pillar of revenue is selling beef. Folks, we're here to sell beef. I'm a beef spokesperson. I'm the biggest spokesperson for the beef initiative. You're damn right I'm going to try to sell some beef and you need to help me. How do we do that? We're getting the beef finished and we get all the producers we can.
00;17;55;24 - 00;18;12;14
Texas Slim
We're going to sell the most beef across the United States because it's independent ranchers and producers that need to sell the beef. They need you to be the marketing arm. So I yeah, you're damn right I'm going to become Texas slim in a way you've never seen you ever hear me say, I'm going to become the Jimmy Dean of beef?
00;18;12;14 - 00;18;32;21
Texas Slim
Do you know what they did with Jimmy? Jimmy Dean was a good hog farmer. He was a personality. But what he was was a brand. They took his brand. Have y'all don't eat that Jimmy Dean crap out there. Now, that stuff is it's got soy and it doesn't have anything that period and blah, blah, blah. I'm not going to say that.
00;18;32;27 - 00;18;57;11
Texas Slim
But anyways, don't bother Jimmy Dean. But what the point of the story has is they took that trademarked it LLC that and they created over 254 something different specimens off one brand. You know what we're going to do in the beef initiative? We're going to do exactly what they did. Do you think this is not a new beef industry?
00;18;57;13 - 00;19;20;15
Texas Slim
Better watch out, because what we've got, we've got the digital means all. We're a technology company on the back end to our way. Software engineering. We know. We know networking just a little bit. I come from their research analysis. Yeah, we got that. Hey, ranchers, producers, we got some tools for you guys. You guys don't have to look there and get censored by Facebook anymore.
00;19;20;17 - 00;19;42;19
Texas Slim
That's a silly market place. You're not going to have to pay attention to it any anymore and you're going to follow what Texas Lands Cuts does because we got plans. And so by saying that Texas lamb cuts has planned, we're going to get on Instagram, we are on Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, YouTube. Yeah, I'm going to go down the list here.
00;19;42;19 - 00;20;04;10
Texas Slim
Okay. I usually don't read that. I'm going to read it tonight. Okay. Twitter, of course, is me at Modern T Man. Twitter at Modern T Man. Thank you. And also, of course, at ten Texas Slims cuts. At Texas cuts was Texas Slims Media. But I'm going to tell you what's why that's not the case. So don't worry about it.
00;20;04;16 - 00;20;41;24
Texas Slim
It's all good. Thumbs up Beef initiative at Beef Initiative on Twitter, Instagram is on hold on. Instagram is at I am Texas Slim. There's two spot. I am Texas Slim and Texas I'm Scot force that's always at I am Texas slim and Texas Slims cuts Facebook is facebook.com forward slash Texas Slims cut. Okay and then on Tik Tok at Texas Slims cuts take target.com for slash Texas cut that we are going to be calling it Texas Slim's mania.
00;20;42;04 - 00;21;09;08
Texas Slim
But with what we're doing with everything in media is you're going to make the cut. What about the beef? You're going to get the cut. What about the rancher? You're going to make the cut. We have a protocol and it's about being authentic, leading with integrity and being proud of your protocol. It's about regenerative farming and ranching. Folks, this is serious business because we're about to go through some stuff from this nation.
00;21;09;08 - 00;21;39;20
Texas Slim
I've seen it. There's a new layer of poverty that is being basically unfolded on the existing layer of poverty. A lot of people out there are not going to have the Ways and Means that they want that it's going to happen. This is not scare tactics. This is not anything except saying you need to point your compass in a different direction when it comes to food, when it comes to money, when it comes to relationships, communications, sound money, sound food, sound health, Sound communications offer a sound future for our kids, folks.
00;21;40;00 - 00;22;02;04
Texas Slim
That's what we're doing. Go to the beef initiative dot com for slash donations page. Donate to that grant. That means something for us It's legit It's we have a law firm that runs it. It's a nonprofit. If you're going to give back, if you want to know how to help, that's how you help donate. We've got it. It's transparent.
00;22;02;04 - 00;22;32;06
Texas Slim
We're going to be totally up front with you where that money goes. We'll build stories with our basically media equipment. We're going to be giving story kits to every rancher across the United States that wants a story kit. We're going to tell a story that they've never been able to tell. We're going to open it up, put it all across the Internet, the interweb, every little index out there, all the decentralized podcast dating apps, everybody is going to start having a voice.
00;22;32;22 - 00;22;51;04
Texas Slim
It's just going like, this is going to catch on, folks, and we're not going to charge you a bunch of money. We're not even asking anything from you. You know, somebody said that they were suspect of the Beats initiative the other day on Twitter. Poor, poor fella. He was I don't know where he's from. I'm not going to call him out, but he was suspect.
00;22;51;04 - 00;23;14;08
Texas Slim
What do you suspect of truth in food? We don't want anything from the ranchers. We are trying to give them a voice that they've never had, especially in my lifetime. And I know and I found out and I've done so many interviews and I've talked to so many people across this nation and across this world, guess what? The rancher doesn't know that that that people are looking for him.
00;23;14;29 - 00;23;39;20
Texas Slim
And the people out there, consumers don't know how to find the ranchers. That's on purpose, folks. Do you think a rancher producer can afford ten, 20, $30,000 worth of digital marketing website building, Google ads, everything that is required to compete against the multinational corporations and the centralized marketing apparatus? It's not possible. I know this. I was in big tech.
00;23;39;20 - 00;24;03;14
Texas Slim
I was in multimedia. That's how I basically built my career. Guess what? Now I'm the founder of the Beef Initiative, but I am the number one spokesperson for every rancher producer across the United States and across this planet that wants to have peer to peer relationship with the consumers. And they don't want to worry about having to deal with all of the middlemen that are basically destroying our agriculture.
00;24;03;23 - 00;24;24;08
Texas Slim
And it's leading to the destruction of our health in this nation. You can't hide from it any more, folks. Denial. It's not a river in Egypt. It's something that is happening. We have doctors in the beef initiative. We're going to start doing a lot of stuff on Substack get everybody on Substack Texas dot Substack NBC.com. We're going to have something called Texas long shots.
00;24;24;08 - 00;24;46;21
Texas Slim
We're going to, of course, add the Sunday edition of the Business of Everything, and that is for the beef initiative. And then on Thursday is this Thursday coming after this podcast right of passage. Everybody needs one. We're going to give you one that's a lifestyle thing, and we'll start leading a lifestyle that I always wanted to well, I pretty much always have because I am Texas Slim.
00;24;48;06 - 00;25;18;07
Texas Slim
It's about beef intelligence, given the great American rancher voice so we can save some children's lives, save some generations, save some heritage. Say some culture, say some legacy. Do it with integrity, authenticity, truth, love. We're going to lose all the negativity in this world. I'm having the best time in my life. Share this. Help me spread the message.
00;25;18;25 - 00;25;52;21
Texas Slim
We got tons that we're about to release. Stay tuned. I am Texas. Are you? Hey this week's boasts a member podcasting 2.0 nap. Go get it. There's people that pay attention to that and they actually do give feedback. It's a great basically communication tool basically told to use basically to get into bitcoin, maybe start earning some stat, start giving some stats back this week.
00;25;52;21 - 00;26;17;06
Texas Slim
I'm going to name it off. Of course, I'm going to start with Baba. Guess what? He's over here in Palo Daub Canyon right now. He's on vacation and he listens and he is one of the best networkers. He basically helped me spread the harvest of deception in the beginning, and he says, Hey, market access leads to education. Without education, you can't you cannot find market access.
00;26;17;20 - 00;26;38;26
Texas Slim
That's the number one thing that we're going to be talking about this year. As far as market access, I asked everybody in Arkansas, what kind of market access do you have to claim food? What what is stopping you? You don't have to go buy it. But tell me right now, what do you have as far as market access, peer to peer relationship with somebody that wants to feed you pure whole food?
00;26;40;27 - 00;27;08;03
Texas Slim
Not to me. Now they don't have it. Market access that let's go 5555 stats. That's from Anonymous. Hi Slam. I really appreciate the work you're doing. Keep up the great work. Thank you. Anonymous 250 stats from Nomad Joe. There you are. No, Matt. Joe. Wish I could have attended the Virginia event. Well, you're going to be able to see a lot about it.
00;27;08;03 - 00;27;36;20
Texas Slim
We've got so much content coming out this next six months, you guys are going to be overwhelmed with all the content. So we'll see you at another one. No, Matt. Joe. All right. We got 10,000. That's from Violet Painter. Violet and Panda. Violet. Panda sat right for that little teleprompter there. And so I'm starting to talk more and more West Texas, so I might mumble a little bit, but you know what?
00;27;36;20 - 00;28;02;04
Texas Slim
Cobalt? You know, he's from East Texas and he you know, he's East Texas and I'm from West Texas. He calls me punchy. Well, I call up, you know what I call him somebody that's from East Texas. And they talk funny. I to say he talks funny. Anyways, I talk, Tony. Okay. 10,000 SATs from Violet Panda. Okay, shout out Slim and June.
00;28;02;10 - 00;28;29;24
Texas Slim
People need to hear more processing center information. Much love. Real warriors from MIT. DERN Yes, sir. But. DERN That's exactly what they're going to start hearing as market access. How do you create market access through processing centers? You know what, me and Justin are done. Justin Trammell Panhandle means TB. I see DOT or go look at that beef initiative.
00;28;29;24 - 00;28;57;27
Texas Slim
Association Council people are lining up, processing centers are coming. We got proof of work. We don't have to just chat about it on Twitter. We're actually doing it. It's called Hey, Innovation during Times of Prohibition. You know, my grandfather used to say that guys during times of mass prohibition, you need to make sure you have equal amounts of mass innovation beef initiative.
00;28;58;06 - 00;29;11;06
Texas Slim
Thanks, guys, for the stats. Keep it up, everybody keep doing it. I am Texas. Wow.
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