Ep 25: Texas Slim's Cuts Productions
Download MP300;30;05;18 - 00;30;08;27
we've always been focused on raising
practical cattle
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that can could survive
and thrive under grassland conditions.
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That's so important for our product.
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We we produce an animal
that needs to go out into commercial herds
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and our cattle are known for going out
in these commercial herds
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and being able to maintain their
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their their flesh and their capacity
and do what they're supposed to do.
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I think the diversity within our industry
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and the differences between the way
I do something and way my neighbor
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does something our way
my friends in North Dakota do something
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is actually a strength for the breed
and for for for the cattle industry.
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We know girls live close
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to grass
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I want to welcome
you all on behalf of our entire family.
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The Miller and Quita family is
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basically a world leader
in the microbiome of the intestinal tract.
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And do you want me to collect it for you?
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And I'll go on there taking it.
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So is that the first one
you've ever collected? Yes.
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All right.
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We are making history here today
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because, I mean, this is
this is environmentally sustainable.
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This is this is good for the environment.
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It's not cows
are not killing the environment.
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And when they come out here
and they visit a rancher, develop
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a relationship,
they see that he lives on this land,
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he loves this land,
and he's desperate and all.
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He's not going to do anything to defile
this land.
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As you can see, these story kids,
they come with high quality.
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They come with a strong message.
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They come with clear communications.
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They come with the why and the what
and how.
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The producer, rancher, farmer
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moving forward,
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our ideas, you hear me talk about it
all the time within the substack
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we're going for 100,000 users within
the Substack we're going to go out there.
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We're going to shake a thousand
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ranchers hands this year.
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We're going to open up 10,000 gates.
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The story Kids surf for everybody.
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We're going to bring the whole community
that is basically the beef initiative,
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not only for ranchers and producers.
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You know, up next, we're going to have
Justin Trammel of Panhandle Meats.
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We're going to have Chris Watkins,
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football coach at West Texas A&M.
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He's going to have a story.
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Kid, We have a beautiful woman
in the Dallas and Austin area of Texas.
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Olivia, she's a ballerina.
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It's her basically,
health was saved through basically
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finding the best and cleanest
beef in the nation.
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We're going to have football players.
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We're going to have all kinds of people
that have testimonials.
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But what we're really going to focus on
is, like I said in the beginning,
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we're going to be giving a voice
to the great American rancher
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and we're going to produce
thousands of these story kids.
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One thing that I don't think
a lot of people understand on
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both sides of this beef coin
here is the consumer doesn't understand
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how to basically approach
a rancher, a rancher
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doesn't know how to get your attention
in your focus.
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They don't have the means
to reach out in a digital way.
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It's too expensive.
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You have all these marketing firms out
there, digital marketing firms.
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They propose websites and propose
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to do videos for thousands of dollars
for these ranchers.
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Well, we're coming to the rancher
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with open heart, open mind, open
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And basically we're going to be doing
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these story kits
for the great American rancher.
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We're going to give them that
digital voice.
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We're our goal over
the next couple of years
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is there's going to be
a thousand of these story kids
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and they're going to be an algorithm
all across all platforms
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YouTube, Instagram, TikTok,
whatever it is, it doesn't matter.
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This is not about politics.
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We're not going to play woke games here.
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Whatever everybody's playing out there.
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This is the game.
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The great American rancher, producer,
farmer, a voice in a digital form
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that comes with eloquence, sophistication,
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cinematic quality, that is audio and video
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that leads you straight to them
and then straight to you.
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The story
kits are going to be powerful folks.
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So that's why I want you to be listening.
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But also viewing means sharing them
and talking about them.
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You know, Yellowstone is the number one
TV show on in America right now.
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I guarantee you folks, that story,
if you don't know what it's about,
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it's about a rancher
saving his ranch. As simple as that.
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We are the Yellowstone and not me.
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Not land.
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But every American rancher out there
that's never had a voice
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and haven't had a voice
in a very long time in their communities,
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Well, they are the real Yellowstone
and they story kids.
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Well, that's the first introduction
into a new cinematic way of basically
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giving that great American rancher
producer a voice they've never had.
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Hey, folks, we are free.
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All of you guys out there listening.
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We are podcasting 2.0.
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If you're not familiar
with podcasting, 2.0,
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go to the phone app right now, download
the fount map and get involved.
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Not only can you stream slides,
you can basically make sat back,
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sat be in basically
like pennies on the dollar.
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You understand bitcoin yet?
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Well, nobody does truly but we do know
it's a fantastic tool and what you can do
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is basically you can tip as you're
listening through the fountain podcast 2.0
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or once again we've
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have our boosts of last week and I'm going
to read them off here pretty quick.
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I've got a few of them here
they come and go.
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Of course we have Bubba.
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He is actually up here in West Texas
with us.
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He's helping us
do some of this video and audio
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recording as we're here back in my home
area of the L.A.
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West to Cotto. So, Bubba, 30,000 SATs.
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Thank you, Bob.
You're always the best contributor.
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You've donated .20
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of a Bitcoin to the I Am Texas Swim
Foundation, which gives $10,000 grants
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to those ranchers and producers
that are going to be educating
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the next generation of rancher.
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You guys go look at the donation page
be finished ABC.com for life donation.
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Bubba has been the biggest contributor
here there and so pay attention
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to that foundation.
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It's about to have some legs
and we're going to start basically
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educating the next generation of rancher
in the United States
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and hopefully across the world.
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30,000 SATs. This is what he had to say.
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Here's to
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that is doing all behind the scenes work,
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how to have everyone
purchasing their beef from
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basically, you know, where from ranchers
that are in the beef initiative.
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Here's to slam for being the the bachelor
the match to start the fire.
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Thank you, Bubba Appreciate you.
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Here's a thousand stats from Jordan
Rick here I am, Texas Land Power
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Foundation basically I am Texas
Same podcast Episode 24.
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Here's another 100 stats from you.
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A promoter. Thank you.
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he saw the Jimmy Song
speaks at the Kerrville conference
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we had last year,
in April of last year, 2022.
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We have 1111
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stats from Joel W Thank you, Joel.
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Always good to hear from you.
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We also have another 100 stats
from bicycle and Bitcoin
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and once again, episode 24
Awesome Sharpening blades in Florida.
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Good to hear.
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That was a reference to last week's
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Blade that never dollars folks
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pay attention to podcasting 2.0.
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Pay attention to sound communications.
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What do we mean by that?
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There's a lot of platforms out there
that get censored.
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You see what happens on Spotify.
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You see what happens on all social media
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Podcasting, two point out,
is a decentralized form of communications
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within the Bitcoin space.
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There's a lot of innovation
going in there.
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There might be a day
that you can actually see
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your favorite producer on a podcast
well through podcasting 2.0,
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there will never be sensor centered,
decentralized communications folks.
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That's what we're here about it.
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Sound money, sound food, sound health,
sound communications for a sound future.
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All right, folks, this has been a fun day.
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A lot of editing.
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By June, our executive producer
give him a lot of credit
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for a lot of the creativity,
a lot of the intelligence
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that's being delivered to you
in different ways now.
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There's so many good volunteers
in the beef initiative.
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You're going to start hearing about who
those people are.
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Why are they coming into the beef
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What's holding you back from coming
and becoming part of the beef initiative?
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We're looking for volunteers.
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You can always email Texas
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Slims KUT at gmail.com.
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We need volunteers.
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This is our grass roots, grass
fed organization.
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And I am Texas Slim.
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This is the I Am Texas Slim podcast
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being brought to you by Texas
Slims Cuts Productions.
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Cenac Sweet
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put out.
Creators and Guests





