Ep 24: The Blade that Never Dulls
Download MP300;00;05;29 - 00;00;45;22
Texas Slim
Your power is not anything except what you leave behind those trees. You want to build value. Unlimited wealth. Value Statement materials. First. That's your career. Good. You have to wear your power. Put produce me up initially. All right, cool. We're rolling. Hey, guys. Texas, I'm here. I am Texas Slim Podcast. The title of the podcast today is The Blade That Never Dulls.
00;00;46;16 - 00;01;16;03
Texas Slim
What does that mean? Well, it's the old saying about samurai is if you have a samurai sword that needs to be sharpened, then you don't have a sword. And if you have a blade that never dulls, then you have basically a tool that you can always rely on and whenever I started the beef initiative, I looked deep into all forms of technology, technology from kinetic technology to modern day digital technology.
00;01;16;20 - 00;01;43;12
Texas Slim
We've been using technology since the beginning of time. The handshake basically was a form of technology that was engineered by human behavior. It's kinetic. It is peer to peer. And throughout my lifetime, I've been involved with all forms of technology. I speak of the sword that never dulls. Well, I was into metal smithing at a very young age as well in my teenage years.
00;01;43;12 - 00;02;06;05
Texas Slim
And in Austin, Texas, I actually learned from a metal Smith. His name was Richard, and it was a place called Mind over Metal. So I know a lot about metal. I know a lot about technology. On how to manipulate metal. But the one that's most important as far as how do you manipulate metal comes within the mindset. First, technology these days.
00;02;06;18 - 00;02;42;18
Texas Slim
I think the technology is driving the mindset instead of the mind, basically driving and using and leveraging technology in the correct way. Whenever I was in Young basically Startup Days in Austin, Texas, it was a collaboration that was absolutely beautiful. We from those days and times, I was able to reflect. I was talking with our executive producer yesterday, June, and we were talking about the nineties with the dot com boom bust online software, all of the wonderful technology that a lot of people get to use today.
00;02;42;28 - 00;03;05;07
Texas Slim
The nineties were very foundational. Of course, we had a lot that happened before the nineties, but one thing that did happen during the nineties was a vast amount of collaboration for many different aspects of our society. It was all new, it was pioneering. You know, the wall had come down and communism had been defeated and the world was going to be a better place.
00;03;05;07 - 00;03;32;26
Texas Slim
And we had this new form of technology that we were going to engineer. And the collaboration was something that we had from artistic, basically quality, we had mechanical, we had engineering, we had all kinds of basically technology coming together and one thing that has happened is that the artistic orchestration and the mechanical mindset of the technology that we use today has been lost.
00;03;33;12 - 00;04;10;12
Texas Slim
It has been captured in ways that most people do not understand because they use technology in an interface surface level way. So don't let me get you confused today. If you're a rancher, a producer, consumer, new to technology. Being around technology, we're speaking to the full spectrum. I will generally generalize a little bit today, but I'm going to give you a broader understanding of how the beef initiative was basically fought up and how it moved forward with a baseline layer of a doll that never blade, blade that never dulls, Sorry, a blade that never dulls.
00;04;10;12 - 00;04;58;10
Texas Slim
Well, this is how we look at technology within the beef initiative. The beef initiative has always been a technology company on the back end, the partnerships that we've basically created, Miko, founder, J.P., I'll speak to him in a little bit. But what we did is we knew that we had to be basically a form of technology that is decentralized as much as possible, that it makes foundational change in everything that we engineer in every part of society that we're going to touch as far as lifestyles, as far as consumption models, audio, video, food that the technology that we basically create from source code, open source code that it never dulls.
00;04;58;19 - 00;05;24;12
Texas Slim
And so that's why we kind of move slow within the beef initiative. But that's why we also facilitate. Very quickly, I'm going to give a little review of I'll be looking down on my phone. I usually don't take notes, but today I'm going to because I'm going to read basically an outline from the very beginning of food intelligence, the harvest of deception, the harvest, basically that I went on.
00;05;25;18 - 00;05;56;02
Texas Slim
Everything started with peer to peer communications. My mindset, everything started with decentralized communications, decentralize money, decentralized food, decentralized proof of work as much decentralization as possible. Peer to peer is how we approach everything within the ethos of basically beef initiative. And one of many reasons that we use Bitcoin as peer to peer network technology network that many people just do not understand yet.
00;05;56;08 - 00;06;19;28
Texas Slim
It's okay. You're not supposed to. We're going to be bringing you educational told educational works workshops within the Beast initiative. We're going to be bringing you new partnerships that were basically forming right now that are foundational. They're not based on a fiat mindset. They're not based on a centralized mindset. They're based on a peer to peer, decentralized technology mindset.
00;06;19;28 - 00;06;52;14
Texas Slim
So off we go. You heard me say the artistic orchestration, the mechanical mindset basically has been lost. First off, the Internet shouldn't basically should never be centralized in the way that it is. What do I mean by centralized? There's gatekeepers out there that you don't know, and that comes with basically layers and layers of technology that has been built on the Internet network itself with the use of protocols and everything like that.
00;06;52;17 - 00;07;19;13
Texas Slim
TCP IP being one of those protocols. But throughout the last 30 years, I would say that we've built layers upon layers upon layers on top of the Internet. Each one of those layers, they come with new basically behaviors, they come with new access, they come with new products that give you access to basically centralized products and services. But they also come with a lot of censorship.
00;07;19;13 - 00;07;53;15
Texas Slim
As we know, there's a lot of gatekeeper ears out there that want to control your behavior online. Thus they want to control you with data mining, data science, all of the above. That comes with participating on an interface surface level within the Internet. So let's not get too daunting here. One thing that we have noticed within the beef initiative and one thing that I very much knew from the very beginning that the American rancher producer has never had a digital voice.
00;07;53;22 - 00;08;18;19
Texas Slim
They never will. They have to pay their way into being able to have a digital home from a digital storefront, a digital ranch, to basically provide that digital intelligence that is food intelligence and beef intelligence. You have to pay your way. And to use Google, you have to pay your way in to use Facebook marketplace. You have to pay your way into Etsy.
00;08;18;28 - 00;08;43;18
Texas Slim
You have to pay your way into any digital marketplace that exists right now. And that comes at a cost a cost that a lot of the ranchers and producers in the United States really do not understand. And it's not their responsibility to understand this. They get to listen to all the time. Now that there's many ranchers starting to get some attention within the beef initiative.
00;08;43;26 - 00;09;13;24
Texas Slim
Well, guess who's knocking on their door? Centralized digital marketers and advertisers. Will they come with not understanding that the reason the rancher producer does not have a digital storefront is a lot of times they don't have the time nor the funds to basically create that digital storefront. The beef initiative is here. It's foundational, and that was one of the things that I spoke with JP in the very beginning.
00;09;13;24 - 00;09;48;06
Texas Slim
JP Valdés is co-founder of the Beef Initiative. He is a widely proven software engineer. He is a widely proven entrepreneur. He's a widely proven technologist. JP brings so much technology that within the first 5 minutes of meeting JP, I knew that we were going to work together to basically co-found the Beef initiative. It was a phone call that I had with JP and with Michael of Oshie, Oshie, AB OSHA.
00;09;48;06 - 00;10;09;19
Texas Slim
I out there that are those are confused on how to say it, pronounce it and spell it Oshie app. Go down with it now. There you go. Michael, JP JP is also the co-founder of the Yoshi App. We have been collaborating since day one of the beef initiative. And let me give you a roadmap of how the be for initiative came about.
00;10;10;16 - 00;10;34;25
Texas Slim
I've been working in food intelligence research analysts, as many of you guys know in my professional career. I know how to scrape the Internet. I know how to do a lot of things. And I have a skill set that comes from ranching and agriculture, but it also comes from deep, big tech. So I combined all of my skill set, all of my understanding of technology, and I started formulating a plan.
00;10;35;05 - 00;10;53;14
Texas Slim
The first, though, I had to go out there and put the boots on the ground. These boots right here were the boots that I was wearing whenever I went in and embedded myself into a harvest company Harvest Range from Texas all the way up to the border of Canada and North Dakota, all the way back down to Texas.
00;10;53;14 - 00;11;12;22
Texas Slim
And anybody that knows the harvest, they know that's the pathway that each harvest happens every year. You start later in the spring, you go all the way summer and fall all the way into the end of the year as much as possible. The harvest Moon Have you ever heard of that? Well, it comes about once a year and it's beautiful.
00;11;13;02 - 00;11;36;10
Texas Slim
But I went on Harvest and I began to do research and analysis. I was studying the malting National Food Organization's apparatus. I was also basically putting boots on the ground to look at our communities, to basically leverage all the technology I had when I wrote The Harvest of Deception. And you should read that article if you've not read it.
00;11;36;10 - 00;12;09;05
Texas Slim
That's basically how the beef initiative really started with me writing The Harvest of Deception. Whenever I was on Harvest that year, I began writing The Harvest Deception with Technology. I started on a smartphone. I started writing and pinning the harvest of deception out in the fields of canola. We know as rapeseed in North Dakota, whenever I got back off a harvest, though, I knew that I had to have a solution for everything that I had as my grandfather taught me.
00;12;09;05 - 00;12;33;21
Texas Slim
You can complain about the issues all day long. One thing that you never do is you never go into a room complaining about issues without offering up a solution. By offering up solutions, you give people a call to action. And so my call to action was to go shake a rancher's hand and animal producers and I basically went to my hometown.
00;12;33;21 - 00;12;58;19
Texas Slim
That's where I landed after Harvest Canyon, Texas, Randall County. I went to the county square. I had these boots on as I did on Harvest, and I basically went up and shook a man's hand. That was Justin Trammel of Panhandle Meats and of Teir Bloom. Him and his father, Donnie run panhandle meat processing trammel cattle and told them what I was thinking.
00;12;58;19 - 00;13;26;13
Texas Slim
And he liked my idea. Justin was born into food intelligence. He is an engineer of beef intelligence, of food intelligence, a soil intelligence of health intelligence. Justin is one of the most widely basically understand he has a broad understanding of where basically nutrition comes from, where all grasses come from. He's a grass farmer. That's what he likes to say.
00;13;26;13 - 00;13;51;22
Texas Slim
I'm a grass farmer. Love that He lets the land tools do their job. So I went up and shook Justin's hand. And within a week of saying that I was going to form something called the Beef Initiative. I also met JP also at my photoshoot. We had the conversation within that same ten day period and I use technology to find called Bolton of K and C cattle.
00;13;52;11 - 00;14;15;28
Texas Slim
I got in my pickup truck, another form of technology. I drove all the way down to Austin, Texas, and I went and shot coals and told him what we're going to do. By that time. By the time I had finished talking with Karl Bolton, we already had JP and his team had already had beef initiative dot com up and running in that short period of time of ten days.
00;14;15;28 - 00;14;40;23
Texas Slim
The beef initiative was launched. We were using technology. We started collaborating. Complete strangers within ten days had already formed something that we all now know as the beef initiative. At that time, we didn't know exactly what we were going to do. What I did know that I needed to do was we needed to create an index that acted a lot like Google to reflect on my career.
00;14;40;23 - 00;15;09;19
Texas Slim
I used to fly out to Palo Alto and meet with Google before Google really was even discovered. It was the times of Yahoo free Yahoo email. Yahoo had search engines. We had basically Ask Jeeves. We had all kinds of different technologies. Netscape was the browser. There was a small company called Google, and they were in kind of a little office park, strip mall looking type of place, but they were coming in that were coming hard and fast.
00;15;09;19 - 00;15;39;07
Texas Slim
And I was working within the big tech industry and I went out there and I started meeting with Google and there were a fascinating company and they were the answer to a lot of woes that we were going through as far as being able to find information on the Internet. And so within Google, within indexes, within searches, within having the searchable apparatus that you want to provide to somebody, I knew that we had to create our own index that acted a lot like Google.
00;15;39;26 - 00;16;06;29
Texas Slim
I scraped JP, scraped our team, scraped the Internet at least three times from grass fed to organic. All the attributes that that I like to build into the agricultural industry in the United States of America. We found thousands and thousands upon thousands of producers across the United States that call themselves organic and grass fed grass finished. You can find any attribute data attribute that you want.
00;16;07;14 - 00;16;29;06
Texas Slim
It was too much. A lot of pollution, just like the Internet has today. A lot of information that is not built on a peer to peer communication structure that basically doesn't have a bunch of gatekeepers to let you know what type of information you probably really are searching for, but you're not going to find too easily because you haven't paid your way into the big boys club of Google.
00;16;29;06 - 00;16;54;24
Texas Slim
Google search ability being DuckDuckGo, all of those their search engines, reuse them, their great mapping that Google Maps. Guess what? We got something called maps before initiative maps, something like that. I don't know. It's coming. I'll be talking about that a little bit. But anyways, what we did is I asked three or four, several producers to come into the beef initiative.
00;16;55;22 - 00;17;21;21
Texas Slim
Of course, that would have been Justin with Tear Bloom Panhandle Meats, of course, called Bolton. He was the second person not too far after that met up with Jason Rick Rick ranches heavy up in the Rick Ranches in Colorado. Why not? He had a conference out there in next to Crawford, Colorado, Norfolk Valley of Colorado. Well, me and Jason, we shook digital hands.
00;17;22;02 - 00;17;52;17
Texas Slim
We didn't meet in person for a while, but he liked the idea of this crazy as West Texas cowboy wanting to give him a voice, a digital voice, and a voice in his community. How do we do that? We started from scratch building out an index in which he could be he could be found throughout the world. If you go into the beef initiative dot com forward slash producers section, you'll see that it says crowd sourced, open sourced.
00;17;52;28 - 00;18;24;10
Texas Slim
It's a collaboration and folks, it's a form of collaboration that has been decentralized. It's been basically from the ground up grassroots grass fed and now over 160 producers and ranchers have come into the beef Initiative index that was grown from scratch. But the technology behind it is the blade that never dulls with that philosophy. We have one of the best indexes right now is it overly populated?
00;18;24;10 - 00;18;48;19
Texas Slim
No. This is not a numbers game, is it? Now? This is a quality game. What we do is we give basically a voice, a digital voice to so many local producers and ranchers in the United States. They come in voluntarily. We're not selling to them. We're not soliciting to them. We want to earn their respect and their trust.
00;18;48;29 - 00;19;21;06
Texas Slim
Once they respect and trust us, and they've done their own research and analysis on the beef initiative, then they are more than welcome to come in through our gates. The pathway. Well, we've got plenty of proof of work and we've got plenty of results. I'm a results driven person. We've got plenty of results that basically is starting to win the hearts in the minds of many producers and ranchers, because once they get into the beef initiative, they get found by consumers that are looking for them.
00;19;21;14 - 00;19;46;01
Texas Slim
It's a decentralized way of basically giving the American rancher a digital voice that they've never had. This is the exciting point. Basically, you can look at the last year and a half, two years this training camp were about to explode in a way that I don't think a lot of people do understand, because guess what? We've been working on several blades that will never dull when it comes to technology.
00;19;46;22 - 00;20;24;22
Texas Slim
JP and team have been coding all kinds of great new products and services for all of our producers and ranchers. You do not have to just be a rancher or a beef producer or a cattle man or a cattle woman here, pretty soon, within this year, within six months, we're going to be releasing products and services that gives everybody in the clean food industry that doesn't overly rely on all these silly buzzwords that basically has been hijacked as far as organic, beyond organic, grass fed grass finished everything that now we don't even know where they come from originally.
00;20;24;23 - 00;20;45;13
Texas Slim
Can somebody please tag me on Twitter and tell me where organic truly came from? That's your assignment today. Where did the organic come from? Can you tell me, Is it a copyright? Is it a trademark? Is it a government certification? Who invented it? Who uses it? Who has to pay for it? Who pays for it to be on their products and services?
00;20;45;22 - 00;21;08;12
Texas Slim
What? Multinational corporations Put it on the labels in which a lot of people still read. Can you answer those questions for me? Tag me on Twitter. Let's have a chat about about organic and where it comes from and why. Probably you need to go deeper than just looking at a label that says organic. So you want again, technology used in the beginning hadn't good intentions, but now I don't know.
00;21;08;12 - 00;21;33;28
Texas Slim
With the technology behind organic is 100% factual. So what we try to do is give you peer to peer, factual, decentralized proof of work that comes with results that you can rely on. So you can build your health, you can build your business, you can build your ranch, you can steward land, you can store animals all in a decentralized way that is based on peer to peer access.
00;21;33;28 - 00;22;06;11
Texas Slim
That is foundational, that comes from a blade that never dulls. So that's what we've been working on and that's what we're about to explode on to the world. Because guess what? There is no borders and there is no basically, let me think it. There's no gatekeepers except the powers that be, which we actually know how they operate. And we use technology to find out all the nefarious things that are going on in our food industry and our chemical industries and basically the cattle industry.
00;22;07;03 - 00;22;46;15
Texas Slim
Water, all kinds of different forms of foundational services, products that we rely on to live. So getting back to technology, my grandfather basically he was outside of a place called LOCKNEY, Texas, and now there's a place called Plainview, Texas. That's also close. Well, in the beginning, he didn't have a bunch of these big old corporate warehouse looking buildings in in the in the desert high plains of Texas.
00;22;47;07 - 00;23;15;24
Texas Slim
The technology was different. And many years now, as he has passed his ancestral farm home in which I grew up basically at all the time and many weekends, many times hoeing cotton, whatever it was, we were basically we were as close to the earth as we could be. And and that was the technology in which we use. We used the soil folks.
00;23;16;07 - 00;23;41;26
Texas Slim
We didn't know what pesticides were. I didn't know what herbicides were. We used the soil, we used the Ogallala Aquifer. We were actually able to get the water from the biggest aquifer in the United States. Technology used for that was a pump. We pumped it out of the ground and if we didn't pump it, then we didn't have to because we knew how to build roads that basically rain falls yet bar ditches.
00;23;41;26 - 00;24;15;22
Texas Slim
Yeah, all kinds of technology that my grandfather knew well. His farm home, our ancestral farm home, is now as the crow flies less than ten miles from a huge bear Monsanto chemical in grain manufacturing plant in the Texas Panhandle. Technology has changed. Well, we're going to invert the technology in which they've basically brought during my lifetime, and we're getting back within the beef initiative to more of a regenerative technology in which my grandfather were basically that's what he taught me.
00;24;15;22 - 00;24;44;15
Texas Slim
That's what he taught his community. That's how he fed his family. That's how he fed his community. It's an inversion inversion of technology that basically was stolen out of our communities. It's been stolen out of a lot of mindsets, producers, mindsets. And once again, I come from commodity cowboy country. Okay, get make no mistakes. This is not an argument or a judgment against any producers or ranchers in the United States.
00;24;44;26 - 00;25;13;00
Texas Slim
This is saying that we have a business model in the beef initiative that is regenerative. It practice regenerative mindset. First, and we're building protocols for people that want to basically invert back into that regenerative mindset and basically ways to steward the land in our animals in which we want to consume and basically build our foundational nutrition system for ourselves individually and our children.
00;25;13;06 - 00;25;38;10
Texas Slim
And in a way that is applied that never dulls, that means that our health basically is going to be saved and stewarded by pure animal protein and pure clean produce that comes from the soil with very few inputs that basically have been engineered in a way with new technologies that is now made in nations. Have you ever seen this force?
00;25;38;10 - 00;25;55;22
Texas Slim
You do know what a horseshoe means when it's upright like that. It means that good luck. So you see horseshoes that on our doorstep or something like that, it's never upside down. That means all that luck is flowing right on top of your head. And it's not holding all that luck in that horseshoe. I thought that was cool.
00;25;55;24 - 00;26;15;29
Texas Slim
That's one of the reasons I'm sitting here. But anyways, back to technology. Let's go or read my notes real quick. I was talking about the global technology basically that's taking over basically the world's food production. We know it's there. I'm not going to fight them. They're going to do what they're going to do. They're in a to win it.
00;26;15;29 - 00;26;43;15
Texas Slim
They have to make profits. They've got shipping lanes, distribution. They use all forms of technology from basically all the way very shallow in the ground. They're not as deep as regenerative. When I do that, that's the size of roots that we want in grass. That way, the lentils, the cows can keep on making that soil grow. I saw a dust storm the other day up here in Texas panhandle, but then it rain.
00;26;43;15 - 00;27;09;11
Texas Slim
We've been raining up here for three days. Praise the rain. Thank you, God for the rain. But anyways, whenever you bring global technology into a community and we did it with within the communities, with USDA in the United States, that global technology comes into a community and then it takes that energy of that community, shotguns it out across the world.
00;27;09;26 - 00;27;34;00
Texas Slim
We know that's happened because they said we're going to go feed the world. That's what we're going to do. That's what we taught all of our animals animal producers, farmers, ranchers, everybody. That's what we taught them. That's what we sold them. We said, You're going to go feed the world. We never fed the world. But what we did was we shipped that energy, that local energy, that kinetic energy, and we shotgun will global technology across the world.
00;27;34;12 - 00;28;03;06
Texas Slim
What the beef initiative is doing is we're bringing all that kinetic energy we're doing an inversion back into our community, back into our soil, back into our root systems, back into our own nutrients and our own minerals. And we're going to start consuming there in which where we stand to inversion of the global technology that has been basically engineered into everybody's life, especially in agriculture and ranching.
00;28;03;06 - 00;28;23;25
Texas Slim
We know that we're not going to stop the powerhouse that is the multinational food, multi national industrial food complex. So don't think I'm fighting you. I'm just creating a better business model than you. And so we're going to be partners in this because we're going to feed children, right? And we're all going to do it the right way.
00;28;23;26 - 00;29;01;20
Texas Slim
That's what you say you're going to do? Well, we're going to go with results. Our results are going to be children that never have to be served by the medical industry because they're going to be so damn healthy. Because you know what? We inverted their health with all forms of technology that is kinetic. And it's not this global technology apparatus that has basically changed our C, It's changed the chemicals that we consume, and it's changing the ranching industry in a way that is getting pretty I don't know, it's a prohibition against our ranchers and it's a prohibition against our health because we have all the proof that our health is filled.
00;29;01;24 - 00;29;24;08
Texas Slim
Ever since you basically took that global technology and sucked it out of our communities, one way you did as you took away our processing centers, we're bringing the processing centers back. We're inverting back to what my grandfather had, which he and he use was a local micro processing center. That's a new form of modern day technology that we have proof of work.
00;29;24;08 - 00;29;46;26
Texas Slim
And now we have results that we're feeding communities now in the state of Texas, and we're about to expand into Kansas. And then beyond that, had a phone conversation with somebody up in Idaho the other day. TB I see. Dot org is basically the Beef Initiative Association Council, which what we're doing is consulting and advising on new micro processing centers across the United States.
00;29;47;09 - 00;30;18;07
Texas Slim
Justin Trammell and Donnie Trammell, they open up Panhandle meats called Bolton, Hometown Meats, Luling, Texas. They're using modern day technology to invert that energy back into their communities so they can really build their communities from within. With the best beef in the world, the best beef in the world. That's through the beef initiative, because we've got all these wonderful minds and stories of land, animals, families, nutrition called the Great American Rancher, and they're using technology that's open source and crowdsource.
00;30;18;10 - 00;30;38;00
Texas Slim
And it's one big collaboration. It's not a competition. So see how we're inverting technology back into our communities. We're not going to play that global technology, that shotgun to all of our energy across the world. So, folks, where are you going to focus? You're going to focus in on the mirror. I'll talk about that in a little bit.
00;30;39;10 - 00;31;02;04
Texas Slim
The evolution of technology within the beef initiative. Of course, it started with boots on the ground, boots on the ground that went all over this country, been doing this for over three and a half years. Folks are using all forms of technology to research, to analyze where we stood, where are we and where we're going. Wasn't a good out.
00;31;03;02 - 00;31;22;08
Texas Slim
Basically results that I found it wasn't a good outcome. It doesn't look like a good outcome. A lot of people have lost their health forever in the United States. A lot of children are losing their health in the United States. And so we from the beef initiative have created a form of technology like a blade that never dulls.
00;31;23;25 - 00;31;45;13
Texas Slim
You heard me talking about I did start writing The Harvest of Deception on one of these smartphone. Use my thumbs. It's only thing I had what everybody else was doing. Tick tock. I was writing The Harvest of Deception. I went back and edited, of course, but that's how the Harvest of Deception and that's how the beef initiative started was on one of these forms of technology.
00;31;45;24 - 00;32;07;29
Texas Slim
It's how you use it. It's just like a screwdriver. What can you build with a screwdriver or what can you destroy with a screwdriver? What can you build with a smartphone technology, modern day technology, and what can you build with it and what can you destroy with it? Well, lately we're destroying young minds because there is a division of interpersonal communication that has happened during the digital world.
00;32;07;29 - 00;32;23;15
Texas Slim
I was part of that. I was in the labs in which we were analyzing families. We were seeing how we could divide the family up in the home and their home where it was Johnny going to go? Where was Jill going to go? Where was Dad going to sit? Where was Mom going to sit? And they're all going to be on separate devices.
00;32;23;24 - 00;32;48;25
Texas Slim
Now, you tell me. Right. To me, is that how your family now do you do something else? Do you take this form of technology? Do you put it in a basket at night when so everybody can have actual commerce and that kinetic energy, You feel it? I'm a very empathetic person. So what that means is I can fill another person's presence and I can feel vibrations.
00;32;48;25 - 00;33;22;02
Texas Slim
That's how I've always been. I've been very sensitive to that. I've been very shy my whole life. But whenever I started, basically the beef initiative, I'd never been a public speaker and I'd never done a podcast. I'd never really even heard my voice through the Internet and what I knew, though, is if I was going to do this, I was going to leverage all technology that was available from writing The Harvest of Deception with my thumbs on a smartphone down to basically buying a $12 mike off of Amazon because I had no idea which Mike to get.
00;33;22;04 - 00;33;38;10
Texas Slim
I think a lot of podcasters go through this and then what do you know? I met Adam Curry. He heard what I was doing. He sent me a mike. So once again, Adam Curry, thank you for sending me my first mike. That actually worked. I still don't use it enough because I'm on the road so much like today.
00;33;38;10 - 00;34;16;21
Texas Slim
I've got a DG, I have Mike new technology that I'm leveraging, got an iPhone that I'm using for this podcast right now. We've got lights, we've got production value that is starting to get amazingly good and it's going to continue because we're going to leverage technology in a way that basically makes the beef initiative blade never dull. And so what we're going to do as we move forward, Texas Slims Cuts Productions, which, you know, everybody knows June, our executive producer, he is basically facilitating engineering our media production in the way that JP With the Beef initiative.
00;34;16;29 - 00;34;44;01
Texas Slim
Michael with The O.C. this big collaboration, do you see how we're all starting to form this energy? Will that inverse back into our selective communities? And so going back started with Harvest of Deception, of course, and within days, you know, I'd met Cole Bolton, met Jason, Rick Holy cow. And and well, well-known warn of holy cow beef. And we were moving forward.
00;34;44;01 - 00;35;11;20
Texas Slim
We built the index. We were basically getting fouled and then what we do well. JP And then of course Michael with The O.C. and Cole Bolton of K and C Cattle. Well, we started developing a technology stack because what we were going to do is we were going to build a technology stack that we can actually provide you with the information, the education and the beef intelligence in the way that you needed.
00;35;11;28 - 00;35;40;12
Texas Slim
Plus, we were going to deliver it straight to your door. So for over a year now, we have been selling beef through the beef initiative and we've been using a technology stack that is basically based on payments systems. It's based on a form of censorship, resistance, data based creation. There's a lot of stuff that JP and team have done to be able to bring you beef to your front door.
00;35;40;20 - 00;36;19;06
Texas Slim
This is not a marketing plan, folks. This is letting you know what we do. We are going to sell more beef in the United States within the next two years than anybody else. And how are you going to do that? Well, that index that we created is going to allow producers and ranchers and I say we I say we I mean, every producer and rancher in the Beef and Beef Initiative index is going to start selling more beef than they ever have, because what it's become, it's become a big umbrella of technology that protects the American rancher and producer.
00;36;19;21 - 00;36;43;14
Texas Slim
What it also does, it gives them a marketing arm, a brand, an international brand that the beef initiative has now become and became that very fast. We have beef initiatives popping up all over the world right now. South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, United States, every state. Here we go. I don't know all of the beef initiatives in the United States.
00;36;43;14 - 00;37;09;28
Texas Slim
Of course it all started in Texas. What it is, it's an umbrella of marketing. It's an umbrella of protection. And what it is, it's products and services that you've never been able to afford. Rancher and producer And we're doing an open sourced and it is a collaboration and it comes with results. We sold over $1,000,000 worth of beef through the beef initiative last year.
00;37;09;28 - 00;37;42;21
Texas Slim
And that million dollar tagline there, I say that was with Kobalt in Beef initiative and holy cow. Och, guess what? That's just three producers, three basically production models that we've built out with the technology stack. Now we have Texas Slims cuts, we have K and C cattle, we have hometown meat and we're in talks with about ten basically producers to use our technology stack and which we developed with Kobalt and of K and Z cattle and holy cow.
00;37;43;25 - 00;37;59;04
Texas Slim
And what we're going to do is we're going to give it over and offer it to all ranchers and producers in the United States. We're going to start off with beef, of course, but then we're going to go with pork. We're going to go with fowl, we're going to go with produce. We're going to go with anything you want, because guess what?
00;37;59;04 - 00;38;27;28
Texas Slim
We've been done. We developed a new E marketplace that absolutely rivals and basically shames Facebook and any other type of apparatus that says that you may sell your product online. But you know what? You're going to follow our rules and we're going to censor your words. We're going to censor your data attributes that you use because we we basically data mine those data attributes of hashtags, those keywords.
00;38;27;28 - 00;38;55;19
Texas Slim
Well, they've been doing some research studies on those. And you can throw up a red flag back in that basically analytical artificial intelligence system. Well, guess what? Censored? Well, we're not going to century. You're going to have a voice. You're going to have a digital voice, you're going to have a kinetic voice, peer to peer. Going back whenever I was young in technology in Austin, Texas, peer to peer, peer to peer, I knew peer to peer before I even got into technology.
00;38;55;19 - 00;39;19;06
Texas Slim
My grandfather, he taught me that peer to peer kinetic technology when I was in Austin. I work for a startup that basically got bought out by Charles Schwab for half a billion dollars. What we do, we let you trade stock, peer to peer, kind of peer to peer, the best that had been done at that time. You could actually trade from your computer all the way to the CEO's in Wall Street.
00;39;19;09 - 00;39;43;23
Texas Slim
That had never been done before. Startup companies started with 1500 dollars. I wasn't one of the founders. I was lucky enough to join the team and there were some fascinating minds, and I learned a lot about entrepreneurial spirit. I learned about basically blades that never dull. Charles Schwab's is a pretty powerful trading organization these days. They're a technology company.
00;39;44;05 - 00;40;11;16
Texas Slim
Well, guess what the beef initiative is? It's a technology company. On the back end, you've got this guy calling them Texas. I'm on the front end. Well, I grew up in cattle country, and I'm to become the biggest spokesperson that you've ever seen. I like to tell everybody I'm going to be the Jimmy Dean of Beef. Well, Jimmy Dean actually grew up in Alton, Texas, right down the road from me in Texas, where Bear and Monsanto have now put their stamp on this planet.
00;40;11;16 - 00;40;30;11
Texas Slim
And it's a big old box. Do I do a search? Do I do one of those satellite Google searches? You'll you'll find it. Anyways, the Jimmy Dean of Beef. What I want to do is basically they took Jimmy Dean and what did they do? They got a brand and they turned it into some of the worst food that I've ever tasted.
00;40;30;11 - 00;40;52;18
Texas Slim
And I say that because that's my personal opinion. But I also read the label. I don't like all those things I can't produce or pronounce on those labels. Now, Jimmy Dean used to not have all those labels. I'm never going to put those types of labels on any type of packaging. We go, What we're going to do is basically our kinetic energy, which is shake the rancher's hand.
00;40;53;02 - 00;41;22;01
Texas Slim
That's how it all starts. If you can't shake your rancher's hand in person, what are you going to do? Oh, you're going to shake a digital hand with your rancher that is close as you can, because what, it's results driven, it's decentralized, it's an index that doesn't provide censorship, just like Facebook, Google and all those other centralized platforms in which we live our lives, a form of technology that is now causing prohibition, our spirit, our mind and our body.
00;41;22;17 - 00;41;51;00
Texas Slim
Don't get me started. I go back to my words here to do to the let me see here. We're going at another time. We got the text, we got the marketplace. We've got a crowd producer list. Okay. Talking to the ranchers, producers, folks had some there's some gentleman in Kansas. He said he was very suspicious of the beef initiative and he made it public that he was very suspicious of the beef initiative.
00;41;51;15 - 00;42;13;23
Texas Slim
You know what I tell people that say that they're suspicious, I say, well, you must be suspect. So to have a mindset, a mindset, suspicion, it means one you've probably been screwed over, too. You have a hard form, a hard time trusting people. Well, like I say, we're open sourced, we're crowd sourced. We come proof of work, we come with the results.
00;42;13;23 - 00;42;30;23
Texas Slim
If you don't like them, you don't have to be suspect. You just don't have to participate. And I'm okay with living rent free in your head from here on out, because I know what we're doing is truth in food. And it's not a judgment. It's saying, Hey, we're going to do it differently. We're going to do it like our grandparents did it.
00;42;31;04 - 00;42;53;17
Texas Slim
So if you're suspect of that, well, bless your heart. So I ramble. Anyways, what we're going to do, we're going to develop all kinds of these wonderful technology that are open sourced. It's hard to be open. It's hard to be suspect of open source coding most of the day. A lot of people out there don't even know what open source means.
00;42;53;23 - 00;43;17;00
Texas Slim
Well, it means basically Bitcoin technology. Bitcoin is open source code. It's free folks. It's software that you can look at. It's a ledger. It's property that you can own that's in a digital realm and it's a store of value and it's peer to peer technology that you can trust and it can't be confiscated. Man, that sounds good to me.
00;43;17;04 - 00;43;49;29
Texas Slim
Why would you be suspect of that? Oh, because of your consumption model. You're suspect of Bitcoin because you're looking at centralized basically audio and video that feeds you basically propaganda. And it doesn't allow you to have basically the source of the seed of the truth of the type of technology that you should be using. But it's going to steer you in a way through an algorithm that basically makes you behave in a way in which the person that that gatekeeper is controlling either the audio, the video or the food.
00;43;50;09 - 00;44;22;07
Texas Slim
So we're going to circumvent all around that. And maybe that does cause you to be suspect. But what it does, it gives you free market access to a lifestyle that you're yearning for and most people are looking for across the United States and this world. See what we're doing. We're building a blade that never dulls, and we're doing it with old school technology, boots on the ground, kinetic handshakes, feelings of the heart, vibration, looking at you in the eye and basically having conversations.
00;44;22;12 - 00;44;43;16
Texas Slim
We're going to say no to the Division of Interpersonal Communication in which what has been created through our digital world. I know I wrote a big research paper in 2004 about the Division of Interpersonal Communication, and I wrote it for the telecommunications industry. And so what we're going to do is we're going to say, no, we're not going to validate the deceptions.
00;44;43;16 - 00;45;09;26
Texas Slim
What are the deceptions? Start off by reading The Harvest of Deception. First. But the deceptions are everything that basically steals the energy from your community. You be in your community first. You yourself. Where is your energy going? It's being broadcast like a shotgun all across the world because you're paying attention to something that's based on an adult consumption model and a consumer demand that is now destroying our health as a nation.
00;45;09;26 - 00;45;40;24
Texas Slim
And it is actually affecting half our kids in the United States right now. So half of our kids in the United States are now suffering from metabolic problems. This has never happened in the history of mankind. But why is it happening? Well, there are many reasons, but one reason that you can look at the mirror and you can go right now, one reason it is happening is because of adult consumer demand and adult consumption model that is actually passed on and forwarded on to the children of this nation.
00;45;41;12 - 00;46;05;09
Texas Slim
Ain't going to have it no more. And if you're going to be suspect of that, well, I guess you're a suspicious person, So bless your heart and good luck with that. So by saying all of that, are you starting to see a visualization of how we can actually make change and we're not having to fight with anybody. All we're doing is basically forming a new form of kinetic energy that's always been there.
00;46;05;14 - 00;46;32;29
Texas Slim
And it starts with a handshake. Folks, this is the beef initiative. This is about truth in food. This is about basically giving the rancher a voice. He's never had. This is about giving a spirit to a child that is vastly being stolen from. And who's going to lead this charge? You, the individual or the sovereign individual that has a decentralized mindset that uses technology in the correct way?
00;46;33;15 - 00;47;00;03
Texas Slim
You're not going to be ignorant anymore. You're going to become your own research analyst. You're going to become the marketing arm of your producer and rancher. It's as simple as that. You have all the tools in front of you every time that you have a great meal and you've eaten a steak or beef or any type of clean food from a producer, you're going to get on your TED talk, on your Instagram, on your Facebook, on your Twitter, on any other social media apparatus.
00;47;00;03 - 00;47;23;18
Texas Slim
And you're going to talk about your producer and rancher and you're going to give them a voice, and that voice is going to funnel through the big marketing and branding umbrella of the beef initiative, and they're going to have a voice within that umbrella of marketing. And we're going to provide them products and services. Do you see how you build a basically a blade that never dulls with technology?
00;47;23;28 - 00;47;47;00
Texas Slim
Well, we're doing it in the beef initiative and we're going to continue doing it. Like I said, it's kind of been like training camp right now. But what we're about to do is this products and services are going to be unleashed to all of our producers, ranchers in the United States, who knows across the world. Can you say something that can you say Shopify beef, Shopify or beef?
00;47;47;00 - 00;48;10;17
Texas Slim
Do you know what Shopify it is? It's a marketplace. Well, each rancher and producer is not going to be censored anymore. We're going to allow them to have a digital storefront because they're going to establish and help establish those personal relationships, just like our grandparents used to eat. And like I say, this is not a marketing plan. We are the beef initiative.
00;48;11;08 - 00;48;40;03
Texas Slim
We're about food intelligence that leads into beef intelligence, that leads into health intelligence. The beef initiative is a great American health initiative that is being led by the great American rancher producer. Okay. We're going to get into decentralized communications. Okay. That's podcasting 2.0. People. Do you not know what podcasting go to? The Fountain App. The Fountain app, Do a search for it.
00;48;40;11 - 00;49;14;01
Texas Slim
It's basically podcasting. 2.0. Adam Curry's a big leader and really he is the Godfather. He's helped the Beef initiative become part of podcasting 2.0. We're on over 70 to 90 platforms. You're watching this through YouTube, which is great because I want everybody to change their audio and their video and their food consumption model, starting with your eyes first, then your ears and then your mouth eyes first, ears, mouth, audio, video that wait, let me say this video, audio food.
00;49;14;09 - 00;49;41;08
Texas Slim
See that? That's a consumption model. How is it starting? Well, podcasting 2.0 is your audio. And anyways, we get to basically participate in pioneer podcasting 2.0 with The Fountainhead. What we do is we exchange that people get to say, Hey, I loved your podcast. Here's some stats. That being the smaller denomination of what a Bitcoin is, it's kind of like pennies on the dollar, but it's that's on the Bitcoin.
00;49;41;08 - 00;50;05;07
Texas Slim
So you'll learn more if you pay attention. The beef initiative with your audio, video and consumption models. Okay, here we go. I'm going to name off people. Okay. We're also known as T.W. s here. We gonna read what they said. 1000 sacks. I'm going to shake Sally Calhoun's hand this weekend at the Palestine's ranch here in San Benito County in California.
00;50;05;16 - 00;50;27;00
Texas Slim
Soon after that, I will be purchasing my first half cow to fill my freezer of pure and nutritional beef. Thank you, Slim. Keep preaching the good word of food intelligence. Thank you so much. Exactly right there. That's called a collaboration, folks. That's a digital handshake. That's giving SATs back. That's giving the voice to the producer. I'm going to name that producer again.
00;50;27;00 - 00;50;55;06
Texas Slim
Okay. It is Pace. Yeah, I'm going to spell it p a I c in E. S ranch, San Benito County in California, and basically Sally Calhoun. Sally Calhoun, thank you so much. And who said that? Also known as TWC at also known at TWC. That's the type of messages that we want to hear through podcasting 2.0. That's what you tell us.
00;50;55;06 - 00;51;20;28
Texas Slim
And then I read it off. You say, Hey, here's a thousand stats, what are you doing out there? See, becoming the marketing arm of the great American Rancher producer. How easy it is. What a wonderful collaboration. It's about decentralized mindset, folks. Okay. Next, 1000 stats from Jordan. Brickner enjoyed the summit in Arkansas. Lots of good information and good people just dropped off a steer.
00;51;20;28 - 00;51;41;06
Texas Slim
And our local processor are feeding our community one beef at a time. Talk to you soon. More great things to come, Jordan. Thank you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for being in Arkansas. Ozark Beef Initiative. We got all kinds of good content. Todd wrote an article substack the hour substack next week. Texas Slim dot substack dot com.
00;51;41;06 - 00;52;03;22
Texas Slim
Make sure you go read it. Subscribe to it, go to the beef initiative dot com. You can subscribe to that right there. All right, next one. Here we go. We got 30,000 tabs from our very good friend Bubba getting it and getting it punchy. Let's roll with it. I am a West Texas, kind of a punchy cowboy. I get made fun of that Pearl snaps cobalt, and I wear them.
00;52;03;22 - 00;52;28;13
Texas Slim
You talk funny. I don't hear from East Texas. I'm from West Texas. All right, here we go. We got 100 sacks from Brian Hazel. Thank you, Brian. Appreciate you. We've got one 12,498 sacks from Elise. Thank you, Elise. Appreciate you for that. And we've got also busted canoe, bust, canoe. You are extremely reliable. Appreciate you streaming us that.
00;52;28;14 - 00;52;51;10
Texas Slim
You did it more than once and you just keep on saying it and you say boost, boost, boost. Let's keep on boost. And folks, that's how people become the marketing arm. Go to fountain at podcasting 2.0. Learn about Bitcoin through basically giving tips, giving your your value for value exchange. That's something Adam Curry's is really pushing and he taught me a lot about that.
00;52;51;25 - 00;53;20;18
Texas Slim
I'm a horrible consumer, folks. I never have been a good consumer, but what I'm very good at and my grandfather taught me this was I'm a very good exchanger of value. He taught me the three day roll. Do you really want that form? Do you really need that will wait three days. Now that third day, if you feel that it's got value that you can go with, well, go ahead and purchase it or exchange something of equal value.
00;53;20;28 - 00;53;56;19
Texas Slim
Barter systems, folks, we used to live and die by them. Well, there's a new way of basically doing a value for value exchange. It's Bitcoin it's beef, beef and bitcoin peer to peer technology that is now being led by the beef initiative. A lot of people don't understand the correlation of Bitcoin beef. All it is, folks, it's basically using two technologies how to stored the best beef in the world, how to steward the best money in the world, and use a peer to peer transactional system that is an exchange for a value for value exchange.
00;53;57;04 - 00;54;29;02
Texas Slim
It's not complicated, folks. It's very simple. It's a it's a form of basically communication that cuts out all the centralized prohibition against our mind body and spirits. I'm going to talk about that real quick because I get tagged true a lot on social media and I get emails and I hear everything that basically is nefarious or it's propagandized or it's a psyop or it's just confusion.
00;54;29;02 - 00;54;51;18
Texas Slim
And we live in a very confusing state of mind in the world right now. There's a lot of change. Foundational change is happening, folks, and it's going to move forward. It's not going to be stopped. But what you can say and you can do is that you can put your foot down and you say, I'm not going validate these deceptions that I find deceptive.
00;54;52;12 - 00;55;19;09
Texas Slim
And if you find them deceptive, well, it means that they're probably kind of engineering into your mind space and you don't like it. So what we're going to do is we're going to steward a new way of thinking. We're going to steward a new way of sourcing, peer to peer value for value exchanges, and we want you to be a part of that by saying there's so much misinformation out there.
00;55;19;24 - 00;55;51;13
Texas Slim
I guarantee you the amount of producers, the amount of people that we have in the medical community, the food production from food corporations to local food led community based systems, we know what's going on in the agricultural world, in the United States and across the globe. I've traveled halfway around the world. I've been performing my research analysis in which what I do and we know what's going on within the food systems.
00;55;51;21 - 00;56;14;25
Texas Slim
You can forget about all of basically the fear porn and all of the the headline news that comes out against everything that is happening to the ranchers and producers in the United States. We know it. We're living it. We don't have to be tagged with it. But what you can do is you can participate in helping overcome it by giving your great American rancher producer a voice.
00;56;15;02 - 00;56;38;23
Texas Slim
That is exactly where you need to be spending your time. If you're going to email Texas, Aslam, won't you email him with the producer rancher that you're talking with that you shaking hands with, that you found in your community or that you drove across the country and you saw on vacation, maybe it's somebody that you heard a talking in the line at the airport that you heard, hey, there's a producer out here in outside of Boise, Idaho.
00;56;38;23 - 00;57;04;11
Texas Slim
Maybe it's outside of, I don't know, Bismarck, North Dakota, North Dakota, perhaps. I don't know. South Dakota. Is it down there in Florida and Sarasota? Where is it? I don't know. Anyways, what we're going to be doing is we're going to be using YouTube here and we're going to be bringing you new forms of beef intelligence that the world has never been able to see in the type of collaboration that we have engineered.
00;57;04;27 - 00;57;44;05
Texas Slim
So you can be suspect of it. But I guarantee you if I'm speaking it, it's coming from the producers and ranchers themselves. It's not a competition anymore, folks. That's what happened when our way commoditize and subsidize our food industry, we created competition between you ranchers and producers. Not going to happen anymore. Not in the beef initiative. What we're going to do is we're going to collaborate and we're going to show respect that comes it comes with authenticity, comes validation, transparency comes with love, it comes with kinetic energy that basically is formed through a digital handshake or one that comes from the heart on that.
00;57;44;05 - 00;58;12;04
Texas Slim
Folks, let's get this party started, because it is it's an international lifestyle. Go subscribe to the Substack. We have new categories and new offerings come in through the beef initiative. We have the marketplace coming. We have a new tribal chat, basically platform coming. We have maps, beef initiative, maps, maps, dot, beef initiative, dot com. I think it's what it's called, but it's stuff that old JP's been working on.
00;58;12;11 - 00;58;42;18
Texas Slim
He's a fascinating man and I love him for being them personally is and how he stewards his family and his community. He's up here in the Texas Panhandle to Michael from oh, she met JP in the Texas Panhandle. I'll tell you what did you know the Texas Panhandle. Amarillo. Amarillo is yellow and Spanish. Amarillo, Do you know the stockyards of Amarillo, Texas, was basically one of the best marketing apparatuses in the world at one time.
00;58;43;03 - 00;59;06;14
Texas Slim
You want to go toe to toe with me on that? Let's go. Because this is this about sharing stories? Amarillo has got some beef history, you know, about Charles Goodnight. You know about the cattle drive. Texas once fed a nation, We're doing it again. You ready? Let's go, folks. This is the beef initiative. I am Texas LAMB. Are you cut?
00;59;09;25 - 01;02;36;23
Texas Slim
That's a wrap. Wow.
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